Vrischikasana I Yoga Pose (Scorpion I Pose)

Information on Yoga Asana Vrischikasana I (Scorpion I Yoga Pose) Meaning & Uses

Vrischikasana-I is popularly known among the yoga practitioners as Inverted back bend posture. It is generally known as the Scorpion poses I. It is actually a difficult posture that cannot be indulged by the beginners and regular yoga practitioners in the yoga session so easily. The name of this yoga posture is derived from the Sanskrit language words, Vrischika means Scorpion and asana means posture. It is highly advised to perform this asana or posture with the help of a partner so that you can personally feel much secured and safe in any given situations and circumstances. On the other hand, a beginner must practice all the basic asana or posture before wholeheartedly indulging in this particular difficult posture. A wide range of different kind of motion related to the entire body can be achieved by the beginners and regular practitioners through practicing Vrischikasana I or Scorpion poses I with a lot of perfection.

Vrischikasana I (Scorpion I Pose) Steps / Instructions / Procedure

Follow the following steps in order to complete the Vrischikasana- I or Scorpion Posture I

  1. Initially perform Pincha Mayurasana.

  2. Then slowly and steadily move the legs just towards the back so that your feet are directly placed on the crown of the head.

  3. Do stay in this particular position for nearly 8 to 10 seconds with normal breathing.

  4. Then resume back to the Pincha Mayurasana

  5. Finally return to normal position.

  6. Then lay down on the floor and take a regular breath.

Vrischikasana I (Scorpion I Pose) Anatomical Focus

The anatomical focus of Vrischikasana- I or Scorpion Posture I are related to feet, legs, thighs, hips, waists, stomach, chest, neck and head along with hands.

Vrischikasana I (Scorpion I Pose) Therapeutic Applications

Vrischikasana- I or Scorpion Posture I is an effective and efficient exercise in order to cure all spinal issues and diseases related to abdominal. As per Hatha yoga, this particular exercise is very important in respect of psychological function of the entire human body. It actually assists in reducing emotional stress, physical strain, hatred and different kind of depression. On the other hand, it largely provides concentration, tones up the nervous system of the body and mental peace. In these exercises, the legs, back and knees are stretched to a great extent plus the major and minor ailments in these areas are cured very effectively.

Vrischikasana I (Scorpion I Pose) Medical Health Benefits

There are several benefits of Vrischikasana- I or Scorpion Posture I. Few of them are as follows -

  1. It strengthens by creating better posture.

  2. It perfectly improves spinal flexibility to a great extent.

  3. It stimulates the central nervous system.

  4. It aids in digestion.

  5. It rightly stimulates abdominal organs.

  6. It stretches the lungs, chest, upper and lower back, shoulders, throat and hip flexors.

  7. It tones the adrenal glands, pancreas and liver thyroid gland, abdominal organs, kidney and lungs

  8. It can slow and steadily relieve menopause and menstrual cramping for women.

  9. It perfectly calms the mind.

  10. It reduces mental stress and physical strain.

  11. It stretches the lungs and chest.

  12. It stretches and strengthens the feet, legs, thighs, hips, waists, stomach and neck.

  13. It improves the blood circulation in the body.

  14. It helps to shape the belly.

  15. It shapes the abs and stomach.

  16. It reduces the pain in the legs.

  17. It reduces the severe pain in the entire body.

  18. It strengthens and stretched the back.

  19. It intensely stretches the spine.

  20. It improves the nervous system.

  21. It largely reduces anxiety and fatigue.

Vrischikasana I (Scorpion I Pose) Contraindications and Cautions

All those people who are actually suffering with back injuries, high or low blood pressure and should injury shouldn't indulge in the Vrischikasana- I or Scorpion Posture I. On the other hand, all the beginners and regular practitioners must take safety measure while wholeheartedly indulging in this particular posture or asana. They should ensure that they have good balance over their entire body in this asana. They should practice to remain in this final posture for nearly 8-10 seconds without falling down in any given situations and circumstances. It is always advised to have a partner while practicing this asana so that the partner is of great help in any type of uncalled for situations and circumstances in the yoga session.

Vrischikasana I (Scorpion I Pose) Beginner's Tip

The beginners who are indulging in Vrischikasana- I or Scorpion Posture I is that they should take at most care and certain caution as their personal priority. It is highly suggested to indulge in this exercise with the support of a partner. This really reduces the risk involved in Vrischikasana- I or Scorpion Posture I.

Vrischikasana I (Scorpion I Pose) Variations

The variations of Vrischikasana- I or Scorpion Posture I can be achieved in a successful manner through just extending the given each and every steps in this posture in the yoga session. On the other hand, variation must be indulged with at most care with a lot of perfection to a great extend.

Vrischikasana I (Scorpion I Pose) Modifications and Props

The props that can be perfectly used in Vrischikasana- I or Scorpion Posture I are a stool or chair for just support while indulging in this exercise. It is acceptable highly to bring in certain kind of effective modification in this exercise as per the personal ability to the maximum limit. It is better to take the suggestion of your partner who is much experienced to select the props in this asana or posture. It is to be remembered that modification in this asana must be done without any physical harm and mental disturbance. This particular asana can be performed without any props and any types of advanced modification to a great extent because it is a simple back bend asana or posture.

Vrischikasana I (Scorpion I Pose) Partnering

An active partner with a lot of perfection, can perfectly assist you in order to encourage rightly the backs of your legs in order to keep closed. The partner can make the practice of Vrischikasana- I or Scorpion Posture I by taking the support of a wall by standing just near it. You can perform each and every step with at most care with the help of your partner. Your partner can directly observe you while you are indulging in this posture and correct any mistakes committed in it. A partner is the need of the hour in any yoga session.

Vrischikasana I (Scorpion I Pose) Preparatory Poses

You can perform certain kind of bending postures related to preparatory poses before indulging in Vrischikasana- I or Scorpion Posture I for better warm of the entire body with a lot of perfection.

Vrischikasana I (Scorpion I Pose) Follow up Poses

You can also perform certain kind of follow up poses after indulging in Vrischikasana- I or Scorpion Posture I for better resting and relax of the entire body to a great extent.

Vrischikasana I (Scorpion I Pose) Deepen the Pose

The deepening of the pose related to Vrischikasana- I or Scorpion Posture I can be achieved through the extension of each and every step in the given yoga session.