Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana Yoga Pose

Information on Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana Yoga Pose Meaning & Uses

Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana is one of the most significant asana in a yoga session that can be performed by both the genders and all age group with a lot of perfection. This asana is performed by keeping the face upward under any given situations and circumstances. The name of this asana is derived from the Sanskrit language words, Urdhwa means upward, Tittibha means an insect and asana means posture. This asana comes under the category of most difficult asana that should be performed with at most extra care in a yoga session. This particular asana helps to improve the blood circulation in the body and perfectly energizes the entire body system to a great extent.

Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana Steps / Instructions / Procedure

Follow the following steps in order to complete the Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana.

  1. Initially stand in Tadaasana with a lot of perfection.

  2. Do spread the legs wide apart sideways for nearly one or two feet.

  3. Then exhale slow and steadily as you bend the trunk forward.

  4. Do insert the head in between the legs at knee position.

  5. Then perfectly stretch the hands towards the back.

  6. Do make a lock with your hands.

  7. Do remain in this position for approximately 15 to 29 seconds with even and deep breathing.

  8. Then release the interlock initially

  9. Come back to normal position.

Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana Anatomical Focus

The anatomical focus of Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana are related to waists, stomach, feet, legs, thighs, hips, chest, neck and head along with hands.

Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana Therapeutic Applications

The therapeutic applications related to Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana is that it provides better concentration of mind and improves mental equilibrium to a great extent. It helps to gain good body balance plus nourishment to the shoulders and legs to a great extent.

Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana Medical Health Benefits

There are several benefits of Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana. Few of them are as follows -

  1. It strengthens and stretches in order to create better body posture.

  2. It rightly improves spinal flexibility.

  3. It largely stimulates the central nervous system.

  4. It improves digestion.

  5. It helps to give relief for constipation.

  6. It stimulates abdominal organs.

  7. It stretches the upper and lower back, lungs, chest, shoulders, throat and hip flexors.

  8. It tones the adrenal glands

  9. It rightly tones pancreas and liver thyroid gland.

  10. It perfectly tones the abdominal organs, kidney and lungs

  11. It can slow and steadily relieve menopause.

  12. It gives relief from menstrual cramping for women.

  13. It helps to shape the belly.

  14. It perfectly calms the body and mind.

  15. It reduces mental stress and physical strain.

  16. It perfectly stretches the chest and lungs.

  17. It stretches and strengthens the waists, stomach, feet, legs, thighs, hips and neck.

  18. It improves the blood circulation in the body.

  19. It reduces the pain in the legs.

  20. It shapes the abs and stomach.

  21. It reduces the severe pain in the entire body.

  22. It strengthens and stretched the back.

  23. It improves the nervous system.

  24. It intensely stretches the spine.

  25. It largely reduces anxiety and fatigue.

Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana Contraindications and Cautions

Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana shouldn't be practiced by pregnant women and those who have pain in the hips, waists, legs and back. In case, if any yoga practitioner isn't able to bend the head into the split legs then they should put pressure on themselves to achieve this position. They should be very careful while interlocking the hands. They should take extra care while indulging in this asana position. There are lots of risks involved in this particular asana.

Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana Beginner's Tip

Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana is rightly categorized as the asana of difficult nature. There are certain situations and circumstances where the beginners may find totally indulging in this asana is an act of great risk. In that thought they should involve in practicing this particular asana or posture. This asana or posture of Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana can be practiced daily in order to master it by the beginners with a lot of perfection.

Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana Variations

Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana doesn't come with any scope of variation to the advanced level in the yoga session. This particular asana is rightly categorized as the asana of difficult nature so it should be indulged with extra care to a great extent. Those who aren't able to push their head between the parted legs shouldn't pull themselves for perfection. They should bend only as much as possible by the individual's limit.

Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana Modifications and Props

The best props that can be used in the indulgence of Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana is the help of a wall, long stood for support and thick blanket. It should be remembered that Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana doesn't come with any scope of modification to the advanced level in the yoga session. It is to be highly noted that modification in this asana must be done without any physical harm and mental disturbance. This particular asana can be performed without any props and any types of advanced modification to a great extent because it is a simple back bend asana or posture.

This asana is perfectly categorized as a difficult asana without any scope for modification to a great extent.

Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana Partnering

The cooperation and coordination of an active partner is the need of the hour in Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana. The partner can catch you when you are about to lose balance in this particular asana. In this manner, you can save yourself any type of internal and external injuries and brushes. A partner can suggest you when things go wrong plus encourage you when things are performed correctly with a lot of perfection. A partner is like a supervisor who keenly observes each and every step of the asana performed properly. It is to be remembered that a partner is the best well-wisher for a yoga practitioners in the yoga session to a great extent.

Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana Preparatory Poses

The preparatory poses of Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana are Baddha Konasana, Bakasana, Malasana and Garudasana. These said asanas can be rightly practiced for warm up before indulging in Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana.

Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana Follow up Poses

The follow up poses of Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana are Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana and Uttanasana. These said asanas can be perfectly practiced for good warm up after indulging in Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana.

Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana Deepen the Pose

The deepening of the pose related to Urdhwamukha Tittibhasana can be achieved through the extension of each and every step in the given yoga session. The act of deepening should be done with extra care in the given situations and circumstances in the yoga session. This act can be done in the presence of your yoga partner or yoga experts taking in their valuable suggestions and advises to a great extent. The act of deepen poses shouldn't be indulged in any type of hurry-burry. It should be performed with calm mind and alertness.