Trikonasana Yoga Pose (Triangle Pose)

Information on Yoga Asana Trikonasana (Triangle Yoga Pose) Meaning & Uses

The term Trikonasana has been derived form the Sanskrit word 'trikona' which means triangle where as 'asana' means pose. This pose can be performed facing two sides such as facing left and facing right. In other postures, you are not required to focus upon the eyes, however, in this form of yoga the person is required to keep their eyes open so that they can maintain balance of the body.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) Steps / Instructions / Procedure

There are various steps that need to be performed in order to complete the pose and to accomplish the goals of the pose. The steps have been clearly demonstrated below:-

  1. You need to begin by standing in Tadasana pose. By exhaling, you are supposed to jump and keep your legs 3.5 feet apart. Lift your arms in align to the floor and you need to reach them out to the sides, shoulder blades quite broader and your palms needs to be down

  2. Your left foot needs to be taken somewhat towards the right while the right foot needs to be turned to right 90 degrees. Remember that your right heel needs to be aligned with the left heel. By stiffening the thighs, you need to turn your right thigh outward in a way that the center of the right knee is in sequence with the center with the right ankle

  3. You need to breathe out and elongate your torso towards the right in a way that it is in line with the right leg by tilting from the hip joint and not from the waist. You need to straighten your left leg and push the outer heel towards the floor. Now, you need to revolve your torso towards the left. Your left hip needs to come a little forward and straighten the tailbone towards the backbone

  4. Keep your right hand over the shin or over the floor outside your right foot. You need to elongate your left arm towards the ceiling in sequence with the tops of your shoulders. You need to keep your head in a impartial position and need to look softly at the left thumb

  5. You need to remain in this pose for around 30 seconds to 1 minute. Take a long breathe in order to come up by pressing the back heel towards the floor and taking your top arm towards the ceiling. Now you need to change the feet and repeat the steps again for the same length of time to the left

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) Anatomical Focus

The main anatomical focus of this pose is upon the spine, hands, feet, knee and upon the back. You are supposed to focus upon balancing your body.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) Therapeutic Applications

This pose is therapeutic for curing anxiety, flat feet, infertility related issues, neck pain, osteoporosis and sciatica.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) Medical Health Benefits

There are various benefits of practicing this pose that has been pinpointed below:-

  1. This asana is effective at toning the overall nervous system, basically the spinal nerves

  2. It tends to rejuvenate the entire body

  3. It enhances the digestive system and improves the appetite

  4. It tends to activates the intestinal peristalsis

  5. It tends to reinforce the pelvic area and also is an effective pose for toning the reproductory organs

  6. By regular practicing this pose, a person can easily minimize the intestinal fat

  7. A person practicing this pose can enhance the stiffness of legs

  8. It is effective at curing constipation

  9. In case there is small defects of joints of legs then it tends to get cured with the help of this pose

  10. A persons backache as well as neck sprain tends to be cured

  11. It is effective at stimulating the muscles of the legs to a great extent

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) Contraindications and Cautions

It is to be remembered that people possessing stiff muscles needs to avoid performing this pose. Furthermore, it is advisable not to perform this pose in case you are having issues related to migraine, diarrhea, low or high blood pressure or neck and back injury. In case of heart conditions you need to practice this pose against the wall. In case you have high blood pressure problem then you need to turn your gaze downward while you are at the final pose. In case you have any kind of neck problem then you must not turn your head in order to look upward. You are required to look forward by keeping both sides of the neck long.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) Beginner's Tip

As a beginner you are required to take your right hands up on your leg or you can as well keep a block over the floor so that you can keep it under your hand. It is significant to keep your right legs erect instead of bringing your right hand on the ground. Remember not to keep your hands directly over the knee as it might create much pressure over the knees.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) Variations

Do not stretch the top arm towards the ceiling. You can take it over the back of the top ear parallel to the floor.

Modifications and Props

It has been noted that most of the people have faced difficulties in comfortably touching the floor with the help of the bottom hand or with the help of their finger tips. In such case it is highly advisable to support the palm over the block. This shall help you in easing the process of the asana and would help in attaining the goals of the asana as well.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) Partnering

It is with the help of the partner you can learn this pose properly. You need to make your partner stand in front of your forward foot by facing you. You need to inhale and lift your forward arm up in align with the floor. He can hold your wrist and lock his toe into the forward hip crease. While you breathe out, you need to make your partner pull your arm and then force it in your hip crease by elongating the base of your torso.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) Preparatory Poses

Preparatory poses are significant as it can help in preparing you for the forthcoming poses. You can then perform the poses effectively. The various preparatory poses for the Trikonasana are Tadasana and Vrksasana that needs to be performed prior to performing the triangle pose.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) Follow-up Poses

Follow-up poses are the poses that can be performed after the pose that is being performed. Trikonasana or triangle poses tends to prepare you for Standing poses, Seated forward bends or any kinds of twists.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) Deepen the Pose

In order to deepen the pose, you need to have a great focus upon your breathing practice. Follow the procedures seriously as mentioned above. In case you are an experienced student, then you can line up the front heel with that of the back foot arch.