Supta Padangusthasana Yoga Pose (Reclining Big Toe Pose)

Information on Yoga Asana Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Yoga Pose) Meaning & Uses

Supta Padangusthasana is generally known as the Reclining Big Toe Pose. It is really simple and easy to indulge. This particular asana is very effective for improving the health of your spine and back. The name of this asana is derived from Sanskrit language words, Supta means lie down, Pada means leg or foot, Angushtha means big toe and Asana means posture. It is mainly performed to stretch and open your legs to the fullest extend with a lot of perfection. This posture improves the physical and mental health of the yoga practitioners. It is one of the best stretching exercises.

Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose) Steps / Instructions / Procedure

Follow the following steps in order to complete the Supta Padangusthasana is generally known as the Reclining Big Toe Pose -

  1. Initially lie down on the ground on your back.

  2. Do keep your legs straight and don't bend them.

  3. Then keep your hands just beside your body.

  4. Do keep the palms facing down.

  5. Then bend your left leg from your knee.

  6. Do slow and steadily bring your left thigh very close to your body.

  7. Then slightly press your thigh against your belly firmly.

  8. Do place your left leg straight.

  9. Now, steadily lift up your left hand

  10. Do try to tightly hold your toes or ankles with your fingers.

  11. Stay in this position for nearly 30 seconds.

  12. Then release in a safe manner.

  13. Do repeat the same steps with the right leg too.

Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose) Anatomical Focus

The anatomical focus of Supta Padangusthasana or the Reclining Big Toe Pose are related to toes, ankles, legs, hips, waist, back, neck and head to a great extent.

Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose) Therapeutic Applications

The therapeutic applications of Supta Padangusthasana or the Reclining Big Toe Pose deals with sciatica, relieve pain and improves digestion and infertility. It manages menstrual discomfort plus backache. This asana is the best therapy for health issues related to high blood pleasure and flat feet.

Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose) Medical Health Benefits

There are many benefits of Supta Padangusthasana or the Reclining Big Toe Pose. Few of them are as follows -

  1. It stretches and strengthens the calves, hips, hamstrings, groin and thighs.

  2. It perfectly increases the strength of your knees.

  3. It stimulates the prostate gland.

  4. It strengthens and stretches your knees.

  5. It helps in keeping you away from minor knee and joint pain.

  6. It stimulates your prostate gland.

  7. It improves your digestive system.

  8. It assists in improving your blood circulation.

  9. It relieves your problems related to mild backache.

  10. It largely assists in sciatica pain plus menstrual discomfort.

  11. It is really therapeutic for blood pressure.

  12. It is the best posture for flat feet issues.

  13. It deals with infertility.

  14. It rightly acts as a stress buster.

  15. It properly increases the vitality and circulation to the pelvis.

  16. It strengthens abdominal muscles.

  17. It helps to avoid prostate.

  18. It relieves menstrual tenderness specifically.

  19. It reduces physical strain.

  20. It reduces mental stress.

Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose) Contraindications and Cautions

In case, if you are suffering from headache, diarrhea, high blood pressure and severe knee pain or joint pain then you shouldn't practice Supta Padangusthasana or the Reclining Big Toe Pose.

Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose) Beginner's Tip

In case, if you feel that your body is very stiff, then you can rest the bottom of your leg heel just against a wall in the given circumstances and situations. You can place a solid block right just outside your hip in order to raise your legs in Supta Padangusthasana or the Reclining Big Toe Pose.

Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose) Variations

There are only certain variations for Supta Padangusthasana or the Reclining Big Toe Pose that is you can swing the raised leg in the opposite direction instead of sideways. In order to make this posture much simpler and easy, you can place your knee of your raised leg perfectly bend slightly until you are really able to stretch it completely with a lot of perfection.

Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose) Modifications and Props

You can use the props like a solid block, folded blankets, soft cushions etc in Supta Padangusthasana or the Reclining Big Toe Pose. You can also bring in certain modification related to Supta Padangusthasana or the Reclining Big Toe Pose with proper consulatation.

Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose) Partnering

A partner can stand by you in order to observe when you indulge in Supta Padangusthasana or the Reclining Big Toe Pose. A partner is the right person to guide you when things go wrong plus encourage you when things are performed in the best manner with a lot of perfection. A partner can give a pull and push during certain steps that may be difficult for the practitioners in any situations and circumstances. The presence of a partner gives a lot of confidence for the yoga practitioners. It also increases the comfort level in the yoga session. It will make you feel you are in a group of yoga enthusiasts. A partner should have lot of patience while dealing with yoga sessions and yoga practitioners. A partner shouldn't lose his or her temper in any circumstances and situations.

Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose) Preparatory Poses

It is to be highly noted that Supta Padangusthasana or the Reclining Big Toe Pose has a deep and direct impact on the whole body. It is necessary to indulge in preparatory poses before doing this particular asana or poses. They are Downward Facing Dog Pose or Adho Mukha Svanasana, Supta Baddha Konasana or Reclining bound angle pose, Forward Bending Pose or Uttanasana, Shavasana or Relaxation pose, Bound Angle Pose or Baddha Konasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward facing dog pose, Uttanasana or Standing forward bend, Baddha Konasana or Bound angle pose, Urdhva Prasarita Padasana or supported on the wall and Supta Padangusthasana 1 and 2.

Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose) Follow up poses

The follow up poses that are necessary for Supta Padangusthasana or the Reclining Big Toe Pose in order to relax and relieve the body after indulging in this particular asana or posture. The best follow up asana are various seated forward bend poses and standing poses.

Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose) Deepen the Pose

The deepening of pose in Supta Padangusthasana or the Reclining Big Toe Pose can be done by involving in a deeper stretches in each and every steps as per your personal ability and flexibility limit. It is to be remembered that in the name of deepening the pose, never gives extra stress to your mind and strain to your physic in any situations and circumstances. It is always advised to follow the prescribed steps of the asana related to the deepening of the posture with a lot of perfection.