Mulabandhasana Yoga Pose (Root Lock Pose)

Information on Yoga Asana Mulabandhasana (Root Lock Yoga Pose) Meaning & Uses

Mulabandhasana is a Sanskrit term where 'Mula' means root or the lowest chakra and 'Bandha' means bondage or energy lock. Hence, Mulabandhasana is considered as the pose where the body of the practitioner tends to be contradicted from anus to the navel and raised up towards the spine. It is considered as the principal Bandha of the yogic practice. Mula bandha is common among all the grounded workings of body mind disciplines. It is to be remembered that this pose needs to be practiced as a discipline only after conducting Kumbhaka where breathe is articulated in its entirety. It is said that while a person practices Mula Bandha, he tends to reach the mula of creation.

Mulabandhasana (Root Lock Pose) Steps / Instructions / Procedure

  1. In a Dandasana pose, try to tilt your right leg bringing forward your calf towards the chest. Draw you right foot with the help of your left hand

  2. From the gap created try to take your right arm in your right leg clasping your right calf in your right elbow. Tilt your right arm backwards until and unless your right hand can hold the inside of your right foot

  3. Try to tilt your right ankle towards the floor with the assistance of your right arms and your toes needs to be put on the ground at the centre. Remember that your toes will be tilted towards the right

  4. Now, try to tilt your left leg and draw the inside of your calf near the chest dragging the left foot with the help of right hand

  5. Take your left arms from the gap created towards the left leg by clasping your left calf in the left elbow. Tilt your left arm until and unless your left hand can hold the inside of the left foot. You need to tilt your left ankle towards the floor with the assistance of your right hand. Your toes need to be placed upon the centre at the ground. Bent your toes at the left side and touch your heels

  6. Your hands must reach between your groins as well as ankles. Hold the outside portion of your big toes pulling them towards you. Slowly try to roll over on your feet in a way that the inside your feet works on opening the knees as well as hips

  7. Involve your three bandhas and stick your chin inside. Take your belly back towards the spine. Keep your perineum tight so that there is slight bent in the pelvic zone. Now keep your hands over your knees with index finger as well as thumb touching each other. Remain in this position for as long as possible

Mulabandhasana (Root Lock Pose) Anatomical Focus

The main anatomical focus of this pose is upon the hips, knees, pelvic zone, abdomen and ankles.

Mulabandhasana (Root Lock Pose) Therapeutic Application

It can be observed that this pose is therapeutically advantageous for the person suffering from mild sciatica, asthma, indigestion related problem and backache. It has been identified that this pose tends to revitalize and energies the nervous system of the human body. It tends to pose a psychological impact that ultimately monitors the mind as well as body. A person who is suffering from depression can attain advantage from practicing this exercise regularly. Furthermore, it tends to check a person's excessive sexual desire and monitors human energy.

Mulabandhasana (Root Lock Pose) Medical Health Benefits

  1. The pose tends to elongate the hips, groins, knees as well as ankles

  2. It strengthens the pelvis, spine as well as abdomen

  3. It is effectual in bringing peace to the mind as well as body

  4. This pose can assist a person with hemorrhoids by stimulating the muscles and reinstating their normal functionality

  5. This pose tends to be quite effective if practiced on a regular basis prior to conceiving the child as it is quite advantageous for fertility

  6. It relieves from depression and frustration related issues to a great extent

Mulabandhasana (Root Lock Pose) Contraindications and Cautions

It is advisable not to practice this pose if there is any form of knee or ankle injury. A person suffering from back pain or injury must not practice this yoga. It is to be remembered that since this pose promotes growth of energy speedily, this may lead to hyperactivity. Hence, it is advisable not to practice this pose if you have high intracranial pressure or any kind of heart diseases.

Mulabandhasana (Root Lock Pose) Beginner's Tip

It is to be remembered that this pose is the tightening of pelvic floor muscles instead of whole perineum. Hence, men are required to contract their muscles between the testes as well as anus while women are required to contract their muscles behind the cervix. Ashwini mudra as well as Vajroli mudra can be prepared initially in order to complete the Mulabandhasana properly.

Mulabandhasana (Root Lock Pose) Variations

This pose is considered to be a difficult pose because of which practitioner might require to make greater variations in this pose. You can place your heels underneath the pelvic floor in order to involve yourself into Mulabandhasana.

Mulabandhasana (Root Lock Pose) Modifications and Props

With the soles of the feet joined together, you can initiate by pushing all the four corners of the feet into each other. After that, bring the toes in the floor with the intention that the ankle bones as well as heels get light. You can make use of block by placing your feet on them. Tip your feet forward and you will see that the block tips towards vertical. Now take your inner thighs backward and down in the floor. Keep practicing these actions till your feet is vertical in Mulabandhasana pose.

Mulabandhasana (Root Lock Pose) Partnering

You might require a partner when you are supposed to come back to the normal pose. Your partner can assist you in raising your body above the ground and in maintaining your back erect. Your partner can assist you in successfully completing the entire pose and help in attaining best results from practicing such yoga. Your partner shall assist you in staying stable and raised throughout the pose.

Mulabandhasana (Root Lock Pose) Preparatory Poses

Preparatory poses tends to prepare you for the forthcoming poses. They tend to be quite beneficial as it makes your flexible and easier. The various preparatory poses for Mulabandhasana are Supta Trivikramasana, Samakonasana, Hanumanasana, Kandasana, Vamadevasana II and Vamadevasana I. You are also supposed to prepare Virasana and Supta Virasana until you find yourself comfortable in these poses. You must also practice Lotus pose as well as half lotus poses in order to prepare for Mulabandhasana.

Mulabandhasana (Root Lock Pose) Follow-Up Poses

The follow-up poses can be performed immediately after performing Mulabandhasana in order to assist in better functioning of the human body. These poses have always proved to be very beneficial for the mental and physical state of body. The various follow up poses are Nahuasana, Vrschikasana, Sahansana, Buddhasana, Kapilasana, Akarna Dhanurasana A, Padanagustha Dhanurasana A and among others.

Mulabandhasana (Root Lock Pose) Deepen the Pose

In order to deepen the pose, keep your hands over the knees with your index finger and thumb clasped together. Close your eyes and try to meditate for some time.