Matsyasana Yoga Pose (Fish Pose)

Information on Yoga Asana Matsyasana (Fish Yoga Pose) Meaning & Uses

Matsyasana is known among people as Fish Pose. It is usually regarded as a counterasana to Sarvangasana. The unique name of this particular asana is largely obtained from the Sanskrit words, "Matsya" means "fish" plus "asana" means "posture". This asana is regarded as destroyer of all diseases as per the ancient traditional yoga text. It is a difficult asana or posture for beginners but can be regularly practiced in order to master it with a lot of perfection. It is one of the significant asana that is regularly practiced by the advanced students of yoga with lot of interest. You can try different postures of this yoga for more benefits and for better health.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose) Steps / Instructions / Procedure

Follow the following steps in order to complete the Matsyasana or Fish Pose -

  1. Initially lie on your back on the ground with your knees bent and feet on the ground.

  2. Then inhale, slow and steadily lift your pelvis off the ground slightly.

  3. Do slide your hands, palms fully down, just below your buttocks.

  4. Then completely rest your buttocks on the back side of your hands.

  5. Do ensure to tuck your forearms plus elbows up very close to the both sides of your torso.

  6. Now inhale plus press firmly your forearms and elbows against the ground.

  7. Then firmly press your scapulas into your back.

  8. Do inhale and lift your upper torso plus head away from the ground.

  9. Then slow and steadily release your head back onto the ground.

  10. Largely depending on how very high possibly you arch your back plus do lift your chest with perfection.

  11. There must be just minimal weight on your head in order to totally avoid crunching your neck.

  12. Remain in the posture for about 15 to 30 seconds.

  13. Do breathe smoothly.

  14. With slow and steady exhalation lower your head and torso to the ground.

  15. Do draw your thighs up into your belly plus squeeze.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose) Anatomical Focus

The anatomical focus of Matsyasana or Fish Pose are related to head, neck, shoulders, stomach, waist, hips, legs and hands.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose) Therapeutic Applications

The therapeutic applications of Matsyasana or Fish Pose are related to Constipation, Menstrual pain, Respiratory ailments, Anxiety, Mild backache and Fatigue

Matsyasana (Fish Pose) Medical Health Benefits

There are many benefits of Matsyasana or Fish Pose. Few of them are as follows -

  1. It stretches the muscles or intercostals and deep hip flexors between the ribs.

  2. It stimulates and stretches the muscles of the belly.

  3. It stretches and stimulates front of the neck and back of the neck.

  4. It stimulated and stretches the organs of the throat.

  5. It perfectly strengthens the muscles of the upper back.

  6. It largely improves posture.

  7. It gives relief for constipation.

  8. It improves digestion.

  9. It reduces mental stress and physical strain

  10. It helps in balancing the whole body.

  11. It relaxes mind and body in all aspects.

  12. It assists in strengthening the whole body parts with lot of perfection.

  13. It helps in shaping the back posture.

  14. It helps in concentration and focus in personal and professional life.

  15. It assists in keeping the mind cool.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose) Contraindications and Cautions

Those who are suffering from High or low blood pressure, insomnia, Migraine and any type of lower-back or neck injury shouldn't indulge in the practice of Matsyasana or Fish Pose. A person who is well-versed in the basic yoga asanas or postures is only allowed to indulge in this particular asana.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose) Beginner's Tip

There are chances of beginners strain their neck in this posture. This particular situation should be avoided by them. In case, if you really feel any kind of discomfort in your throat or neck then immediately either place a thickly folded blanket under the back of your head or lower your chest toward the ground slightly. Beginners should be in any haste to indulge in this particular asana or posture because it is a complicated pose that need to be performed under the personal supervision of your yoga instructor. The beginners are highly advised to follow each and every instructions or steps given by their yoga experts or instructor while indulging in this particular posture or asana with keen interest.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose) Variations

There are many variations in Matsyasana or Fish Pose. With toes pointed, the legs can place straight on the ground. On the other hand, with toes just pointed, the legs straight can be slow and steadily lifted approximately 6 inches off the ground as per the comfort zone. Moreover the hands can be placed just before the heart in the Anjali Mudra with perfection.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose) Modifications and Props

It is to be highly noted that for beginning students, the back bending position in Matsyasana or Fish pose can be very difficult in all aspects. Therefore, they can indulge in this particular asana with their back fully supported on a thickly rolled soft blanket. Do ensure that your head completely rests on the floor much comfortably plus your throat is very soft in this posture. Certain modifications and props can be used only under the personal supervision of your yoga instructor.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose) Partnering

In this asana or posture, a partner can largely assist you get a real feel for the different types of movement of the scapulas. Do make your partner stand perfectly straddling your pelvis. A partner must then lean over plus properly spread palms on your scapulas, firmly pressing them just against your back with lot of perfection. Do also ensure that the partner doesn't pull you much deeper into the back bend in any situations and circumstances. The partner must only support tightly the scapulas just against the back torso in this particular asana. Partners can advice regarding do's and don'ts of this asana to the practitioners.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose) Preparatory Poses

The preparatory asana of Matsyasana or Fish Pose are Baddha Konasana, Virasana, Bhujangasana, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, Dhanurasana, Supta Virasana, Salabhasana and Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. All these cited postures or asana can be indulged with the proper guidance of your yoga experts. The cited asana can give them good warm up before indulging in the Matsyasana or Fish Pose.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose) Follow up Poses

The follow up poses of Matsyasana or Fish Pose are Gomukhasana, Supta Virasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Virasana and Ustrasana. All these mentioned poses can be regularly practiced with the advice and suggestion of your yoga instructor. The said asanas can really give them good feel after indulging in the Matsyasana or Fish Pose. It is one such asana which on practiced can toned the body as well as helps to re-energize the body and relaxes the muscles.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose) Deepen the Pose

In order to perfectly increase the real challenge in this particular pose, just slide your both hands slow and steadily out from underneath your buttocks plus do bring them into Salutation Seal or Anjali Mudra with both arms completely outstretched plus fingertips pointing directly toward the ceiling. The Matsyasana or Fish Pose and its deepen of the pose should be indulged as per the comfort zone of the practitioners only.