Marichyasana I Yoga Pose (Sage Marichi's Pose)

Information on Yoga Asana Marichyasana I (Sage Marichi's Yoga Pose) Meaning & Uses

In the Ashtanga Vinyasa system, one of the most significant asana is known as Marichyasana I. The name of this posture is derived from the Sanskrit language words, Marichi means the great grandfather of the Vedic Adam named Manu and asana means posture. This particular pose is largely dedicated to Sage Marichi who is one of the beloved sons of the creator, Bhrama. He is also known as the father of Humanity. This posture is followed by Marichyasana II and Marichyasana III.

Marichyasana I (Sage Marichi's Pose) Steps / Instructions / Procedure

Follow the following steps in order to perform the Marichyasana.

  1. Initially be in the posture of Staff Pose or Dandasana with a lot of perfection, it is a sitting posture with elevation of the pelvis on a folded blanket in order to help for lifting up plus extended the either sides of the trunk as per the situations and circumstances.

  2. Do take best hold of the back of the left thigh.

  3. Then draw the knee in slow and steady manner.

  4. Do place the muscles of the left leg as possible.

  5. Then rightly plant the left foot flat on the ground with the sitting bone with the heel in perfect line.

  6. Do inhale plus directly reach the left arm up then extend to the left side.

  7. Then exhale, do place the lift in the side body.

  8. Do place the both arm against the inner thigh.

  9. Then inhale plus lengthen up through the left side.

  10. Do exhale and then roll the chest plus upper abdomen to the right side just away from the left thigh.

  11. Do remain in this posture for nearly 20 to 30 seconds.

  12. Then inhale plus release out of the posture in a slow and steady manner.

  13. Do exhale plus return to Staff Pose or Dandasana.

  14. Then repeat on the other side.

Marichyasana I (Sage Marichi's Pose) Anatomical Focus

The Anatomical focus of Marichyasana I deals with legs, thighs, hips, waists, back and head.

Marichyasana I (Sage Marichi's Pose) Therapeutic Applications

The therapeutic application of Marichyasana I deals with leg pain and back pain to a great extend. This simple posture looks very simple to perform but it is really challenging that gives lot of benefits.

Marichyasana I (Sage Marichi's Pose) Medical Health Benefits

There are many benefits of for Marichyasana I or Sage Marichi Twist Pose. Few of them are as follows -

  1. It really stretches and strengthens the shoulders, hips and hamstrings.

  2. It perfectly activates the organs of the abdominal.

  3. It stimulates better digestion plus metabolism

  4. It calms the brain and relaxes the mind.

  5. It stretches the spine.

  6. It stimulates kidneys and liver.

  7. It improves digestion

  8. It really strengthens and stretches the inner thighs.

  9. It rightly spread the back of the knee.

  10. It perfectly anchors the outer knee ligament down into the floor.

  11. It broadens and softens the hip creases.

  12. It softens the lower abdomen area.

  13. It helps to balance the body weight.

  14. It widens and softens the back and neck area.

  15. It largely helps in purifying and cleansing the entire body.

  16. It promotes elimination in order to restore effectively digestive power.

  17. It perfectly opens up the shoulders

  18. It relieves discomfort in the hip area.

  19. It relieves mild backache.

  20. It tones the waist

  21. It energizes and stimulates the entire body.

  22. It massages the gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, stomach, kidneys, small intestines and liver.

  23. It stretches the muscles between the ribs.

  24. It relieves discomforts related to menstruation.

  25. It really relaxes the muscular tension.

  26. It gives relief by reducing the mental stress and physical strain.

Marichyasana I (Sage Marichi's Pose) Contraindications and Cautions

Those who are suffering from certain diseases such as headache, Migraine, Hypertension, Asthma and Diarrhea shouldn't indulging in for Marichyasana I or Sage Marichi Twist Pose. It is to be remembered that it is one of the significant posture that is very easy to perform in a challenging manner.

Marichyasana I (Sage Marichi's Pose) Beginner's Tip

Beginners of for Marichyasana I or Sage Marichi Twist posture can use a strong yoga strap if your both hands won't bind with a lot of perfection. It is highly advised that yoga practitioners shouldn't rush into the posture of forward bend by perfectly keeping the integrity of your spine. You can also use a thickly folded blanket or a solid bolster.

Marichyasana I (Sage Marichi's Pose) Variations

The variations of for Marichyasana I or Sage Marichi Twist Pose can be performed through extended postures in the yoga sessions. It is also helpful to indulge in this particular for its numerous benefits.

Marichyasana I (Sage Marichi's Pose) Modifications and Props

It is to be highly noted that you can prepare for this particular pose with various twists plus forward bends with a lot of perfection. The props that can be used in for Marichyasana I or Sage Marichi Twist Pose are a solid blanket, block or a bolster. In case, if you really can't bind to a great extend your hands just behind your back then hold on to a solid yoga strap.

Marichyasana I (Sage Marichi's Pose) Partnering

The Marichyasana I or Sage Marichi Twist Pose can be perfectly indulged with partner to large extend. It is to be remembered that this posture is quite difficult to perform alone so a partner is the need of the hour. There is a need for extra care while indulging in this posture. A partner is required to encourage when things are performed in the right manner and guide you when things go wrong in any situations and circumstances.

Marichyasana I (Sage Marichi's Pose) Preparatory Poses

The preparatory poses for Marichyasana I or Sage Marichi Twist Pose are Virasana or The Hero's Pose, Upavistha Konasana or The Wide-Angled Seated Forward Bend, Supta Padangusthasana or The Reclining Big Toe Pose, Supta Baddha Konasana or The Reclining Bound Angle Pose, Baddha Konasana or The Bound Angle Pose, Janu Sirsasana or The Head To Knee Forward Bend, Gomukhasana or The Cow- Face Pose and Bharadvajasana or Bhadravaja's Twist. These postures are the best option for indulging in Marichyasana I or Sage Marichi Twist Pose. All these posture gives the ready started for this posture with right kind of mood and energy levels.

Marichyasana I (Sage Marichi's Pose) Follow up Poses

The follow-Up Poses of Marichyasana I or Sage Marichi Twist Pose are Ardha Matsyendrasana or The Half Lord Of The Fishes Pose, Upavistha Konasana or The Wide-Angled Seated Forward Bend, Baddha Konasana or The Bound Angle Pose and Padmasana or The Lotus Pose. These postures are the right option for indulging in Marichyasana I or Sage Marichi Twist Pose. It is to be noted that all these said postures relaxes the entire body to a great extend.

Marichyasana I (Sage Marichi's Pose) Deepen the Pose

Do try with a lot of perfection with deepening the better bind by tight holding the left wrist in the given situations and circumstances with your right hand.