Kurmasana Yoga Pose (Tortoise Pose)

Information on Yoga Asana Kurmasana (Tortoise Yoga Pose) Meaning & Uses

Kurmasana is considered as an important pose as it is dedicated to Kurma, 'the tortoise' which is regarded as the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who monitors the universe. This asana is considered as one of the memorable asana performed in the floor belonging to the Asthanga Primary series which tends to have a different shape and strength. It can be mentioned that this pose is effective at toning the abs, quadriceps as well as spinal extensors. It elongates the hamstrings and opens the hips in order to prepare for Supta Kurmasana. This asana is also well known as Tortoise pose which after completed tends to resemble a tortoise.

Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose) Steps / Instructions / Procedure

There are various steps that can be performed in order to complete the Kurmasana successfully which can be studied in detail below:-

  1. You are initially required to begin this pose by performing the Adho Mukha Svanasana or Dandasana. You are then required to spread your legs wider

  2. You are then required to tilt your knees a little and raise your stomach from your thighs. Insert your arms under the knees that you have bent. Remember to slide only one arm at a time

  3. Keep moving your arms inside the legs till the time they reach your back. Remember that the palms of your hands face downward, under the thighs and walk the palms out to the side as far as possible when you are performing this pose

  4. You are then required to elongate your legs slowly and make use of them in order to pull the shoulders towards the ground. You need to widen across your chest and then leave the shoulders in the floor and far from the ears

  5. Your forehead or chin needs to touch the floor and your head needs to hang facing downward

  6. You are then required to remain in this pose for around 30-40 seconds and take five to ten full breathes

  7. In order to release from this pose, you need to bent your knees and begin to raise your head. After emerging you need to sit in Dandasana

Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose) Anatomical Focus

The main anatomical focus of this pose is upon the shoulders or mid back. It also puts enormous pressure upon the hips or thighs while performing the act.

Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose) Therapeutic Application

Kurmasana is quite therapeutic for most of the issues that people tend to face in the present day context. Regular practice of this yoga can aid in relieving from numerous problems. It has proved to be therapeutic for relieving from stress after tiresome task. Performing this pose can assist in reducing the level of stress to a great extent. This yoga asana is also effectual in aiding in proper digestion and eliminating the problem of indigestion effectively.

Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose) Medical Health Benefits

There are different advantages that can be attained in performing this form of yoga on a routine basis that has been pinpointed below

  1. It is effective in stretching the legs and back of the body

  2. It tends to enhance the functioning of the digestive and respiratory system

  3. It is effectual in elongating the muscles of the back

  4. It is to be mentioned that the organs residing in the abdomen is stimulated when performing this pose

  5. This pose is effectual in spreading the shoulders and hips

  6. This pose is effective in offering relaxation because the neck, head as well as shoulder relax when performing this pose

  7. It is viewed that the spine of the body is stretched when performing this pose

  8. A person tightness over the lumbar as well as sacrum area is released when performing this pose

  9. A person possessing severe backache can attain relieve in performing this pose

  10. The pose is effective in bringing balance and in building concentration power

  11. It is an effective medicine that can minimize anger, anxiety as well as depression

Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose) Contraindications and Cautions

It is to be remembered that when performing this pose you need to work in your limitations. If you have any kind of spinal injury then you need to take extra care when performing such yoga asana. In case you experience huge pain when performing this act, then you are supposed to stop for a while and take a short rest for sometime. You are not supposed to overload the muscles in performing this act. Remember to inhale and exhale in a normal fashion when you are in the final position of this pose. In case you have injuries in arm, hip or shoulders, then you must avoid performing this pose.

Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose) Beginner's Tip

In case you are new to the world of yoga or you are performing the Tortoise pose for the first time, then keep into consideration various points. Make use of the props if you find the position difficult. You might face difficulties in getting your sole touch the floor. In such circumstances you are required to make use of the folded blanket or a pillow inside your leg to support it when it is elongated.

Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose) Variations

Variation to this pose can be attained by performing Half Tortoise pose, Upside-down Tortoise pose and Sleeping Tortoise pose. It is to be remembered that these poses are a slight variation to the Kurmasana.

Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose) Modifications and Props

You must keep pushing your arms underneath your thighs till they are straight. In such cases you are supposed to keep your arms firm and develop the core strength initially. Modification in this pose can be attained by performing Supta Kurmasana and Ardha Kurmasana. In case of tight shoulders, you can make any one of the modifications such as: hands on the floor, interlocked hands behind the back and clasped elbows behind the back. You can elevate your hips with a block and then come forward. You can as well lower your head over the block if you find difficulty laying your head upon the floor. Use of block provides you a measure of useful distance far from the floor so that you can elevate your limbs and the spinal column. Remember to walk slowly and patiently like that of a tortoise in order to ensure that you are progressing in a steady and safe manner.

Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose) Partnering

It can be mentioned that the partner can assist you in lengthening the dome shape that you had in your back of the pose. Your partner can stand at one side. He can assist you in placing one hand upon your sacrum and the other hands upon your mid back. When you breathe out, your partner can push down slowly and without moving the hands, you are supposed to rub them in the opposite direction. You need to assist your partner monitor the pressure upon your back and have him apply more pressure when you are exhaling.

Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose) Preparatory Poses

The preparatory poses for Kurmasana are Staff pose and Downward Facing Dog pose.

Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose) Follow-up Poses

The follow-up pose for Kurmasana is Shava Asana or Corpse pose.

Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose) Deepen the Pose

In order to deepen the pose you are required to have proper strength over your arms and shoulders. You must also have proper knowledge on techniques of breathing.