Kapotasana Yoga Pose (King Pigeon Pose)

Information on Yoga Asana Kapotasana (King Pigeon Yoga Pose) Meaning & Uses

Kapotasana also well identified as the king pigeon pose is a form of yoga where a person is required to bend his back completely. It is one of the most difficult pose for the beginners. Although, the pose seems to be quite easy in comparison to the advanced poses, the king pigeon pose is difficult to master. Kapotasana has been derived from the Sanskrit word where 'kapota' refers to pigeon where as 'asana' refers to pose. Hence, this pose mimics a pigeon as a person practicing this pose is required to sit with his one leg bent while the other needs to be extended straight. In order to balance, you are required to keep your hands upon the floor and raise your spine straight by broadening the chest. By sitting in this pose a person looks similar to pigeon. Although most of the people consider Kapotasana as simply a bird shaped asana but it has actually been named after a yogic master named Kapota whose achievements in yoga have been mentioned in various scriptures such as Mahabharata as well as Kalika Purana.

Kapotasana (King Pigeon Pose) Steps / Instructions / Procedure

There are various steps that needs to be undertaken by a person in order to perform this pose effectively

  1. Initially you are required to keep yourself straight and kneel down by keeping your legs apart. You are required to bent your head in a backward direction

  2. Take your hands behind you, push at the back of your pelvis

  3. Take a long breathe, then bow your head downwards and then incline your shoulders backward

  4. Your shoulders must be stiff and you must raise your chest high. Slowly release your head and tilt it backward

  5. Now you are supposed to place your hands forward in the form of Anjali Mudra

  6. Slowly you are required to place your hands as well as forehands upon the floor

  7. Breathe in and lift your hands by arching them backward. Your upper thighs needs to be upright to the floor and then tap your ankles with hands

  8. You are then required to place the back of your head upon the foot soles

  9. Raise your pelvis, straighten your upper spine and bring your forearms down. You are then required to shorten your elbows towards each other

  10. By enlarging your neck you are then required to keep your forehead on the floor

  11. Inhale and then softly exhale and push your forearms on the floor. Remain in this pose for some seconds and breathe in a normal fashion

Kapotasana (King Pigeon Pose) Anatomical Focus

The main anatomical focus of this pose is upon the lower part of the body. Regular practice of this pose helps in broadening of the muscles in the chest, neck as well as shoulders.

Kapotasana (King Pigeon Pose) Therapeutic Applications

There are various therapeutic applications of this pose to the human body. It has been evident that this pose has been quite ideal for the conceiving ladies. It tends to stretch the head and also assist in strengthening it. In addition to this, the pose is also effective in strengthening the lower back muscles and assists in improving the posture of the body. Realignment of the uterus is possible by daily practice of this pose. In case of any urinary disorders you can practice this pose in order to attain quick relief from such disorders.

Kapotasana (King Pigeon Pose) Medical Health Benefits

  1. This pose has been effectual in stretching the person's thigh, abdomen, chest as well as shoulders.

  2. It has proved to be effective in stimulating the abdominal organs of the body

  3. Regular practice of this asana has been efficient in removing the stiffness of the shoulders as well as chest

  4. Performing this asana can aid in enhancing the blood circulation of the body and boosts the digestive system as well

  5. A person suffering from severe back pain must practice this pose in order to attain relief from pain to a certain extent

  6. In case a person masters this pose, they can attain great benefits in areas such as martial arts, yoga, dance, figure skating and numerous other disciplines as well.

Kapotasana (King Pigeon Pose) Contraindications and Cautions

It can be mentioned that this form of yoga is not suited for person who is suffering from issues such as insomnia, hypertensions and migraine. In case of severe back and neck injuries, a person is supposed to avoid this pose. A person possessing tight hips or thighs cannot perform this yoga easily.

Kapotasana (King Pigeon Pose) Beginner's Tip

A person practicing this pose can attain better results of this pose by pressing his/her back or the sole on the wall. grip your hands at the back of the head and lean backward. You are then required to place your crown on the wall and push your forearms against it. By following these steps beginners can perform Kapotasana easily.

Kapotasana (King Pigeon Pose) Variations

It can be revealed that the variation to this pose can be achieved by adopting one-legged king pigeon pose which is actually known as Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. This pose is also considered to be one of the preparatory pose for performing Kapotasana.

Kapotasana (King Pigeon Pose) Modifications and Props

It is significant for the beginners to maintain their spine long and straight. You are not supposed to fold them forward. In case you are suffering from any sort of knee pain, you can make use of heel under your thigh or buttock. In case you are suffering from hip pain, you are supposed to keep your stretched leg bent.

Kapotasana (King Pigeon Pose) Partnering

Partners can assist in conducting the pose effectively for those who are beginners. They can assist you to raise your arm and to practice the pose till the person has the capacity to perform it. It is significant for the partner to stand behind you so that he can push his hands against your upper arms above the shoulders. He can as well assist in raising the outer arms towards the elbows. Now you are supposed to bring your side rib downward and keep your shoulders soft.

Kapotasana (King Pigeon Pose) Preparatory Poses

The different preparatory poses that can be practices for Kapotasana are Cobra pose(Bhujangasana), Bow pose(Dhanurasana), Hero's pose(Virasana), Bridge Pose(Setu Bandha), Reclining Hero's pose(Supta Virasana) and Upward Bow Pose(Urdhya Dhanurasana).

Kapotasana (King Pigeon Pose) Follow Up Poses

The various follow up poses for Kapotasana are child's pose also known as Balasana, Noose pose also known as Pasasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana. This poses can be performed immediately after practicing Kapotasana.

Kapotasana (King Pigeon Pose) Deepen the Pose

When practicing this pose, it is important to repeat the chant that says vivacity of the heart tends to touch the earnest soul of my being.