Chaturanga Dandasana Yoga Pose (Four-Limbed Staff Pose)

Information on Yoga Asana Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Yoga Pose) Meaning & Uses

The Chaturanga Dandasana is a very beneficial and important yoga pose. it is also known as the Four limbed staff pose. The name of this pose is derived from a Sanskrit work which can be broken down into the following - 'Chatur' meaning four, 'anga' meaning limb and 'danda' meaning staff and finally 'asana' meaning pose.

It is a very good asana for getting a flat stomach however one should not overdo it. It can be done every morning for about 20 seconds and 3 reps. This pose can also be tried by lifting the top leg in the full of half side plank.

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) Steps / Instructions / Procedure

This is a very healthy and important pose which can be easily performed by anyone. The following steps need to be followed to complete this pose -

  1. Start this pose by the Plank pose, which is a balance and core conditioning exercise.

  2. Now make your shoulders firm and flat on your back and make your back muscles strong. After this tuck your tailbone in and firm the front of your body into the back of your body.

  3. After this rock forward a little over the toes so that you are projecting your body first foreword and then down.

  4. Keep your necks long by looking a little in front of you. In the meanwhile keep your elbows close to the torso pointing back the whole time.

  5. Now exhale and lower the whole body like a plank on the floor while keeping your forearms at the right angle to the floor. While lowering keep in mind to lower only so much that the upper arms stay parallel to the floor and that there is a right angle between the upper and lower arms. Lift the front of the shoulders away from the floor the whole time.

  6. This pose is a part of Surya Namaskar or sun salutations. You can practice this pose by itself and hold it on for about 10 to 30 seconds.

  7. Now exhale and move to the cobra or upward facing dog pose. If you have a strong back to be able to keep it in plank without collapsing, you can also push back up to plank pose on an out breath.

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) Anatomical Focus

The main anatomical focus of this pose is the arms and the shoulders. It helps to strengthen them and make them more flexible. It also improves the circulatory system and the muscular system.

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) Therapeutic Applications

Here are some of the therapeutic applications of this pose. It helps to strengthen the abdomen, arms and the wrists. It is also good for people who are suffering from chronic back problems as it helps to strengthen the spinal muscles and it also helps to increase one's stability, balance and flexibility. it helps to strengthen many other important muscles of the body. It's main focus is to deal with constipation, lower backache and poor posture.

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) Medical Health Benefits

This pose is very beneficial. some of its benefits are -

  1. It helps to strengthen the core, wrists, arms and legs.

  2. It is a great preparation for a perfect arm balance.

  3. It helps to develop core stability.

  4. It is also a great balance builder.

  5. It helps to relive stress and tension.

  6. It prepares the body for inversions and arm balances.

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) Contraindications and Cautions

Even though it is a very beneficial pose there are certain contraindications and cautions that one needs to be careful of. While performing this pose there is a tendency for the tailbone to lift up and the back to collapse down. Make your body look like a plank as much as possible while performing this pose for maximum benefits. This pose should also be avoided by those who have wrist or shoulder injury and also pregnant ladies. Also before performing any pose of yoga it is always best to consult a trained professional to understand the technicalities associated with it.

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) Beginner's Tip

Even though this is comparatively an easy pose compared to other poses, the beginners can sometimes have a tough time with it. To make it easy they can start with their knees - chest - chin or the Ashtanga namaskar. They need to drop their knees, keep their core engaged and move their chest and chin towards the floor. Be careful to keep your shoulders away from the floor and keep your chest open. Try out some simple variations to make it more comfortable.

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) Variations

Certain variations can be made in this pose to make it more simple and easy, especially for the beginners. To start with bring your weight forward as you bring your chest and chin towards the floor. You go half way until there is a 90 degree angle in your bent arms. Ensure that your toes are curled and then push back. Only once you are comfortable with this pose, move on to the next pose. There is one more variation you can bring to this pose. Drop the knees to the floor and stretch out one leg behind you, toes tucked and legs engaged. Repeat the same step of the first variation brining your weight forward and coming halfway down. Now come back up and repeat the same steps with the other leg.

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) Preparatory Poses

These are certain preparatory pose for this asana - Plank pose, cobra pose and upward facing dog pose.

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) Follow up Poses

This pose can be followed up by other poses like - downward facing dog pose and upward facing dog pose.

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) Complimentary Pose

There are certain poses which are complimentary to this pose. They are the Plank pose or the Phalakasana, the Cobra pose or Bhujangasana, the downward facing dog pose or the adho mukho svanasana and the upward facing dog pose or urdhva mukha svanasana.