Varanasi Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Varanasi District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Varanasi, India. These Famous temples in Varanasi district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Varanasi temples / mandir.

The image of Bharat Mata was created during the independence movement of India in late 19th century. In the year 1873, on a drama played by Kiran Chandra Banerjee, the role of Bharat Mata was first performed. Afterwards, Bipin Chandra Pal, a nationalist asserted in idealising the role of Bharat Mata with Hindu ethical traditions and religious activities. He signified Bharat Mata as an ancient divine spirit, a mystical notion of expressing Hinduism and nationhood.

Goddess Durga has high significance in Hindu religion. She is believed to be the symbol of power and manifestation of lord Parvati, the wife of lord Shiv. Basically, lord Durga represents the female component of power who can bring harmony. It is prominent that Bengalis are regarded as the most ardent believers of lord Durga. The key festival of Durga Temple is Durga Puja which occurs in the month of October. This festival begins with Mahalaya, i.e. the first phase of waxing moon and ends with Dashami.

Kaal Bhairav is regarded as a fearsome manifestation of god Shiv who wears wreath of skulls and carries peacock feathers. The name Kaal Bhairav indicate death as well as destiny. Even the lord of Death is believed to be terrified by Lord Kaal Bhairav. Thus, devotees worship Kaal Bhairav in order to obtain protection. It is said that if a devotee worship Kaal Bhairav for about 6 months with great devotion, he/she can gain salvation.

In accordance with Hindu religious belief, lord hanuman protects people from malefic influence of astrological planet Saturn and those who have unfavourable place of Saturn in their horoscope. Hence, considerable number of devotees visit Sankat Mochan Temple for obtaining remedy for adverse place of planet Saturn who is believed to be the strongest among all astrological planets. People worship lord Hanuman in order to reduce any upcoming danger in life.

Tulsi Manas Temple has high religious significance since Ramayana was composed in this place. It is bestowed with lord Ram as a god. However, before turning into a god, lord Ram was regarded as a king. However, in his book, Tulsidas formed a god out of Ram and he begin to win over the hearts of many Indians regardless of religion. Every year during January or February month, Tulsi Manas Temple organise a fair which attracts considerable number of devotees.

Countless number of devotees worship lord Parvati in this temple. Before worshipping, devotees generally take bath in the sacred Ganga River. The offerings and oration of mantras to the lord and charity at Vishalakshi Temple is regarded as highly fruitful owing to the strength of the reigning goddess. Lord Parvati in this temple is mostly worshipped by bachelor girls for better groom, barren couples for progeny and unfortunate girls for getting better luck.

Sankatha Devi Temple is considered as the most renowned temple in Varanasi city. It was created in the reminiscence of goddess Sankata who is celebrated at the 8th day of Navratra festival. The word Sankatha signify protection and hence goddess Sankatha refer as natural power against any hazard. During the celebration of Sankatha puja, devotees do not eat the entire day and only after completing the religious activities in evening they are allowed to eat.