Uttarkashi Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Uttarkashi District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Uttarkashi, India. These Famous temples in Uttarkashi district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Uttarkashi temples / mandir.

River Ganges is the holy river for the Hindus. It origin place is very important too. The Gangothri temple is a 10 KM away from this temple. Many Peoples as pilgrims visit the temple and the Gaumuka Glacier where the river originates. Pilgrims used to drink this holy water and carry it in small containers. The goddess of this temple is Maa Ganga, who is the daughter of the heavens. The Ganga water is the main source of prayer and peoples used to takes this glacier water in their hands and look towards the sun and whish for a healthy life.

Goddess Yamuna Devi is considered to be a divine mother by the Hindus. Peoples coming here and taking a bath at Yamunotri will washes away our wrong deeds is what the Hindus believes. This temple is here since the ancient times. Pilgrims come here on the char dham temple circuit under taken from May to November. The winter and autumn seasons are snow fed and are not accessible to reach here. This temple opens on the auspicious day of the Akshya Thrithiya and closes after the Diwali festival are over.