Ujjain Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Ujjain District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Ujjain, India. These Famous temples in Ujjain district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Ujjain temples / mandir.

The temple has its own importance with regard to religions and emotions of devotes of Lord Ganesha. Statues and idols of the temple have a massive endurance to it that further depicts wisdom and prosperity of lord Ganesha. Furthermore, since the temple is also an intuition of providing knowledge to devotes about Lord Ganesha also attracts people i.e. devotes in large numbers. The temple is specifically built for the Hindus who worship Lord Ganesha for fulfilling their wishes and considering their prayers.

As said earlier, the temple is visited by people from different parts of the country and the stat owing to the aspect that it is considered to be one of the holiest in the state. It must be mentioned that the temple is mainly a Hindu-centric one and the same can be seen from the large of Hindu pilgrims that pay visit to the temple every year. Since the temple is specifically a Ganesha temple, people take blessings from lord Ganesh with regard to conduct their activities and the start new projects or business ventures.

The Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga temple is specifically established for Hindu devotes of Lord Shiva. The religious importance of the temple can be comprehended from the fact that the Shiva linga placed within the temples is one of among the twelve Jyotirlingams, which are among the most sacred abodes of lord Shiva. Notably, as per local residents and saints associated with the temple, once lord Brahma and lord Vishnu had fall into a bitter argument with regard to their supremacy over the creation of the world.