Udupi Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Udupi District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Udupi, India. These Famous temples in Udupi district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Udupi temples / mandir.

Mookambika Temple is a female goddess temple. It has the main deity of the Parvathi Devi. This Devi is considered as a powerful and prosperous deity of worship. This temple is also having its other set of goddess known as the Lakshmi and the Sawraswathi. Here the Lingam is also worshiped. The Navarathri is greatly celebrated for 9 days here. It has many rituals and principals to be followed while coming to this temple. It conducts the Car Festival yearly in the March month.

The main deity of this temple is known as a power full, wisdom and goddess of wealth. Many pilgrims come here to take the blessing of all three values in one temple. The Brahma Rathaoutsava is the chariot pulling festival, which is celebrated grandly with its unique wood carved chariot. The Nava Rathri is celebrated here for 10 days and attracts many pilgrims here. The Laksha Deepostuvam is the famous festival, where 1 Lakhs oil lit lamps are placed in this temple and looks very divine on this day.

Lord Kirshna is the most beloved god for the Hindus. This lord belongs to the Vishnu sect and is also worshiped by the Vaishnaviks in India. But Sri Krishna doesn't come under any sect of peoples and he is worshiped by all Hindu peoples. This is a holly place since the ancient times. Many pilgrims come here on yearly visit and worship here.

This temple is the Padu Thirupathi for kanadigas. Since, it has similar features of the great Thirupati temple in Andhrapradesh. The same type of idol and poojas are performed her on daily basis as functioning in the Thirupathi temple. Lord Venkataramana is a power full god and if peoples come with pure devotion have attainment of their wills. Many pilgrims just come here to see this splendid God and get blessing from him. The mid of March months is celebrated as the Pancha Parvas and ends in the mid of April.