Tiruchirappalli Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Tiruchirappalli District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Tiruchirappalli, India. These Famous temples in Tiruchirappalli district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Tiruchirappalli temples / mandir.

This temple holds high religious significance in the Hindu religion especially those who follow the Vaishnava sect. The temple is one of the five Pancharanga Kshetrams which means a group of five temples on the bank of river Kaveri dedicated to Ranganatha who is a form of Vishnu. This temple is especially visited by people or couples who have no children. It is believed that childless couples who pray here and offer butter with no sugar to the diety present here they will be blessed in the form of children.

Lord Shiva is represented in the form of a lingam in all the mentioned temples and it is believed that the five basic constituents of nature are preserved in the five different lingams with unlike names on the basis of the constituents symbolized by them. In the temple of Jambukeswarar, Lord Shiva is assumed to have appeared as water and is therefore, known as the Appu Lingam. The prayer ceremony conducted in the afternoons is quite popular owing to the actuality that the Lord was worshipped by Akilandeswari in Jambukeswarar temple.

This temple is particularly important as it is known to be the first among 108 Divya Desams or temples dedicated to Lord Vishnu. This temple is highly visited by devotees mostly due to the idol that is present here. Legend has it that the idol was given to Vibishana by Lord Ram but he was tricked by Lord Ganesh so that the idol would not leave India. This idol is held in high reverence as it was worshipped by Lord Ram, an avatar of Vishnu himself.

The Ucchi Pillayar Temple is also commonly known as the Rockfort Temple and is considered to be the home of Lord Ganesha as well as Lord Shiva. The Rockfort complex houses three temples and they are the Ucchi Pillayar Koil which is at the peak of the hill, Manikka Vinayaka temple which is situated at the foot hill and Taayumaanava Koil which is supposed to be amongst one of the Shivastalams and is situated on the mentioned hill. The Shivatslam or Taayumaanava Koil temple is supposed to be a temple which was constructed out of a rock.