Tehri Garhwal Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Tehri Garhwal District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Tehri Garhwal, India. These Famous temples in Tehri Garhwal district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Tehri Garhwal temples / mandir.

Chandrabadani Devi Temple is an important worship place for the Hindus. This Goddess is known to be very powerful and many devotees come here with lot of penance. This Devi is the favorite goddess for Hindu women's. Visiting here will purify ones wrong deeds of the past. The daily poojas are performed here and many do come to perform separate rituals from this temple. The shivasim believes that the Parvathi Devi is an incarnation of Chandrabadani Devi as Lord Shiva re created her.

Surkanda Devi Temple is dedicated to Sathi Devi, who is the actual wife of lord Shiva. She is considered to be more divine and holy by the women members of the Hindu religion. It is believed that by visiting this temple with full devotion will make our wishes come true. Childless women's mainly pray here to bless them with a baby. This is a temple where all sects of Hinduism come to pilgrimage. This is one of the important Shakthi Peetha among other 51 laid across the Indian sub continent.