Sikar Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Sikar District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Sikar, India. These Famous temples in Sikar district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Sikar temples / mandir.

The Lord Shiva temple or Harshnath Temple has inscription dated 973AD and cites that it was during the reign of Chahamana king Vigraharaja by the Shiv ascetic Bhavarakta I. at present, this hilly region is largely surrounded by several temples which lie in the statues of ruins. In the main temple, most of the religious affairs such as regular poojas, homams, yagnas are still conducted as per the age-old Vedic rules and regulations with a lot of perfection without any type of deviation under any given situations and circumstances.

The actual and real name of Jeen mata is Jayantimala. The temple dedicated to this Goddess is strongly believed to be built near the hill just 10km away from the village named Rewasa. This region was a thick forest in those days. The year of establishment of this particular temple isn't known but the pillar and prayer hall are definitely very old in many aspects. It is claimed that a Chauhan ruler has built this shrine at this spot for the Godesss. The main followers of Jeenmata are Jeengars, a warrior class of Rajasthan, Meena's, Shekhawati rajputs (Shekhawats), the Great Yadavs(Ahir), Brahmins and Baniyas.