Pune Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Pune District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Pune, India. These Famous temples in Pune district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Pune temples / mandir.

Out of the 12 shrines present in India, the Bhimashankar temple of Maharashtra was regarded as the most ancient one. People residing in the vicinity of this religious shrine termed this temple as the paradise for pilgrims. Devotees find this temple as one of the most sacred places of India situated over the top of Sahyadri mountain ranges. On the auspicious occasion of Maha Shivaratri followers and devotees from every corner of the world gathered here to witness a glimpse of this temple.

The temple of Chaturshringi is considered as one of the holiest places In Maharashtra. The deity of goddess Chaturshringi is being worshipped here in the form of prime idol of the temple. The goddess is also considered as the main deity of Pune in the name of Goddess Ambareshwari. The festival of Navratri is greatly observed beside the temple. On that day a huge fair is opened for the visitors climbing up to the temple for their offerings to the goddess. All the donations and charities created by the temple are under the control of a local trust named as the Chaturshringi Devasthan Trust.

The Sreemant Dagadusheth Ganapati temple is one of the holiest shrines located in the city of Pune. Devotees and followers from all over the world visit here for the worship of Lord Ganapati. A traditional 120 years old festival named as the Sreemant Dagadusheth Ganapati Utsab is a benchmark for all the inhabitants of Maharashtra. It occurs for a period of 10 days during the Ganesh Utsab in Maharashtra. Uncountable number of people visits the temple on those days for a glimpse of Lord Ganesha and his blessings.