Nainital Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Nainital District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Nainital, India. These Famous temples in Nainital district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Nainital temples / mandir.

Garjiya Devi Temple literally means the Hill Goddess. All the elements on the planet earth are considered as a mother or the women God. Hence the Garjiya or the Girija Devi is one of the mountains Goddess or the daughter of mountains. Here all sects of the Hinduism visit this temple throughout the year. This goddess is believed to be power full and bless is devotees with great strength and unity when worshiped here with true devotions. This is also a great temple for the women members to get visited mostly.

Sathi Devi is worshiped as the Naina Devi in this temple. This is an important Shakthi Peetha for the Hindus. Many devotees take pilgrimage to this temple from May to September of every year. Sathi Devi is considered as a powerful women and a mother god here. She used to bless all of its worshipers and fulfill our prayers too. This temple mainly attracts the women members of the Hindu religion. This is a local temple for the Naintal residents and mostly visited by them apart from pilgrims.