Mehsana Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Mehsana District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Mehsana, India. These Famous temples in Mehsana district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Mehsana temples / mandir.

Mother Bahuchara is a Hindu divinity and it is beloved that she was a daughter of a charan. Charan is a social order which is based on genealogy. A charan consider the same kinds as equal footings and possesses fundamentally diverse economic and religious status. It was a common practice among charan not to surrender before an enemy, rather than to die. Furthermore, shedding the blood of a charan was regarded as an atrocious sin. At present, mother Bahuchara is regarded as patroness of charan and worshipped mostly by the Hijra community of India.

Every year Pimpleshwar Mahadev temple organise a popular festival named Saladi no Melo which signify Fun Fare. This festival occur in the month of Shraavan in Hindu calendar. In this sacred month, considerable number of devotees visit the temple by chanting mantra and playing traditional songs. Pimpleshwar Mahadev temple also organise Shivratri. Devotees celebrate this festival with fasting. Only after performing the puja by providing prayers, flowers, coconuts and variety of foods, devotees eat foods.

The Sun Temple is positioned on a hill at Modhera which is around 106 kilometres away from the north western region of Ahmedabad. This particular temple is known to be amongst one of the exceptional temples of Gujarat. The temple is supposed to be similar to the Sun temple at Konark, Orissa in terms of design. The temple has been planned in a way which makes the rays of the sun at dawn fall directly on the idol of Surya.

According to traditional belief, goddess Umiya is one of the manifestations of goddess Parvati. She is the almighty divine mother of the universe. Her other incarnations are goddess Lakshmi, goddess Kali and goddess Saraswati. It is believed that whenever evil and devilish matters are upraised in the universe, goddess Umiya take various forms in order to destroy them, safeguard the good and restore the religion. On every occasion in the world where there is female power, there is mother Umiya as the source.

The shiv linga in Hatkeshwar Temple is believed to be created from pure gold. There is a myth regarding the way, the shiv linga become gold. It is said that once goddess Parvati requested lord Shiv to familiarise her with lord Ram. Hence, lord Shiv presented lord Ram, but with thousands of manifestations where actual form of lord Ram is not presented to her. Subsequently, goddess Parvati took the form of goddess Sita and went to examine lord Ram. Nevertheless, lord Ram identified her and asked her about lord Shiv.