Karauli Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Karauli District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Karauli, India. These Famous temples in Karauli district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Karauli temples / mandir.

At Kaila Devi temple, the religious ritual of Kanak-Dandotis is largely observed by staunch pilgrims and devotees. They with hardship bleded with dedication and commitment cover a distance of approximately 15 to 20km in order to reach this temple. Just in front of the main temple, there are sub-temples dedicated to Lord Hanuman and Bhairon in the courtyard. During the festive and auspicious occasions, a large group of Mina tribesmen wholeheartedly arrive in a religious spirit of gaiety singing and dancing

It is to be highly noted that there are three primary deities in Mehandipur Balaji Temple, they are Lord Hanuman, Shri Bhairav ji and Shri Pret Raj Sarkar or the King of spirits. This particular temple is visited by thousands of adherent devotees and pilgrims in order to get rid and cured from evil spirits exorcised. According to the local legends and religious scholars, amidst the hills of the Aravali Range, the images of Pret Raja (the king of spirits) and Lord Balaji appeared from 'Mehandipur Dham' nearly thousands of years ago in this valley.