Kannur Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Kannur District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Kannur, India. These Famous temples in Kannur district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Kannur temples / mandir.

This temple is one of those Hindu places of worship that does not recognize the "Satvic Brahminical" form of worship. The worship of the principal deity is also carried out by a ritualistic dance or enactment of the two characters that Muthappan is made up of. The offerings to the deity is also peculiar as compared to the other Hindu temples in Kerala, here offerings of fish, meat and toddy are made. There were also dogs being donated to the temple but of late this custom has stopped.

This temple is another one of those temples in Kerala where non-Hindus are not allowed to enter the temple. Since this temple is one of the main temples of Shiva it is held in high reverence. This place is considered highly sanctified and blessed and therefore the traditions of Koodiyattam and Chakyar are held here. Whenever a new Koodiyattam is being directed, it is first performed here and then only in the other temples.