Gir Somnath Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Gir Somnath District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Gir Somnath, India. These Famous temples in Gir Somnath district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Gir Somnath temples / mandir.

Bhalka Tirth Temple is also known as Mahaprabhuji's Bethak. It demonstrates various achievements of lord Krishna. It also depicts the evangelisation of popular Hindu epic Gita. In order to remember lord Krishna, a pippal tree has been planted in the temple. Apart from the idol of lord Krishna, the pippal tree is also worshiped by people. Every day various religious activities such as aarti, bhog and prayer are undertaken in this temple.

The recent reconstruction of the Somnath Temple was done in accordance with the Chalikya pattern of architecture which is unique to temples and is also referred to as the Kailash Mahameru Prasad Style. According to the legends it is believed that the Somnath Temple was actually built by the Moon God himself and therefore, is considered to be in existence since the era of creation. The remnants of this particular temple portray the history of such a city which has been found to have endured the jolts of time along with surviving the attacks and invasions of the destroyers.