Chittorgarh Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Chittorgarh District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Chittorgarh, India. These Famous temples in Chittorgarh district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Chittorgarh temples / mandir.

Avari Mata temple is a popular healing center for paralysis and polio. It is witnessed that people rush to this shrine when they or any of their family members, relatives and close friends stuck by these said diseases. The patients who with hope arrive with family members or parents stay here for several days till the diseases gets cured or healed to a satisfactory level. Outside the temple premises, there are many shops that sell oil in bottles. People purchase this oil and get it blessed by the God.

According to the local legends and religious scholars, Kalimata Mata temple is just across the Padmini's Palace. It is to be highly noted that originally a Sun temple which was dated to the 8th century largely dedicated to Lord Surya or the Sun God was suddenly destroyed during the 14th century. At this spot, the Kali temple was rebuilt in a successful manner. This shrine is situated in the largest fort of India. This particular Fort is the grandest in this state. It is marked as the World Heritage site.

It is to be highly noted that a large number of devotees and pilgrim on foot throng this temple daily in order to have a darshan of this Lord. People from far and near visit this temple with great faith and devotion too. At the sacred altar of Sanwaliya, devotees pray devoutly and wholeheartedly plus make secret propitiatory offerings in the direct hope of immediately receiving divine blessing of the Lord for their personal and professional life