Alwar Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Alwar District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Alwar, India. These Famous temples in Alwar district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Alwar temples / mandir.

Jagannath temple is situated in the old part of the city of Alwar. It is actually much famous for its Rath Yatra festival that is devotionally conducted annually where Lord Jagannath is carried in a successful manner in a chariot called Indra Vimana. It is to be remembered that the said chariot which is an elephant carriage has been regularly used by erstwhile King of Alwar. It was later donated to the shrine and regularly used for Rath Yatra. This particular chariot festival perfectly follows a diffirent rituals and traditions than those of Puri in the state of Orissa.