Almora Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Almora District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Almora, India. These Famous temples in Almora district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Almora temples / mandir.

Jageshwar is a very rear temple place to see all 12 Joythir Linga's in one temple place. These are very sacred for the Hindus, since these are seen as the divine and the almighty Ling's found on earth. The Hindu believers come here for this specialty. Apart from Jageshwar temple, there is the Mahamrityunjay temple or the lord of immortal being. The Jhanker Sam Mahadev temple, built for the protector of lord Shiva, when he was meditating here.

Kasar Devi Temple is a Goddess temple which is considered to be very divine and powerful by the Hindus. Here the Kali or Bhagavathi is worshiped as Kesar Devi. It is an important shrine for the women members of Hinduism. Coming here with pure devotion will make our wishes come true is what believed by its devotees. Many pilgrims come here in the Himalayan temple circuit which starts from May and ends by November month of every year.

Katarmal Sun Temple is dedicated to the Sun God named Vraddhaditya. He is a major God of Hindus and many do pray to Sun God after the morning bath and do a Surya Namaskaram or praying the morning sun to bless us daily by proving light and life on the Earth. It is done by all Hindu peoples and many consider it as the highest order of worship in Hinduism. This temple is also of such importance and visiting these sun temples on the Sankaranthi day is believed to be more powerful.