Agra Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Agra District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Agra, India. These Famous temples in Agra district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Agra temples / mandir.

As stated above, Balkeshwar Temple is devoted to lord Shiv. In Agra, there are about four most legendary temples of lord Shiv, situated in four places of the city and Balkeshwar Temple is one among the four. In this temple, prayers and other forms of religious act such as 'aarti' is conducted every day. Nevertheless, the most decorative activities and celebration of this temple occur during the period of Shivratri.

In Mankameshwar Temple, it is a sacramental act that people should not wear any leather items or English dressing styles such as salwaar suits, pyjamas and pants, rather they are required to wear traditional Indian clothes only, such as Dhoti and Saree among others. The temple is opened for visitor every day, however, most of the believers visit this temple during Sawan month. In accordance with the Hindu calendar, in Sawan month, Mondays are regarded as fortunate and hence majority of believers worship lord Shiv on that day.