Pisces Description

Pisces Zodiac Sign

Pisces Zodiac Sign Description & Details Explained

Lets find out description of Pisces Zodiac Sign. The Pisces (Meena) symbolised by two fish swimming in two different belongs to the twelfth house of the zodiac. It falls under the water sign and therefore they have a submissive yet rebellious nature. The Pisceans have a mystical, unusual, spiritual yet charming and pleasing personality. The typical fish is gentle, selfless, highly emotional, restless and anxious in nature.
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They are usually lost in their own thoughts, either soul searching or planting strategies that can be quite intellectual. Their creative juices flow naturally and they can come up with the most unique ideas effortlessly. Governed by the mystical and spiritual planet Neptune, they are usually drawn to a superficial world rather than focussing on reality. Thus, when reality actually bites them, it becomes unbearably difficult for them to accept the harsh realities of life and they tend to hibernate instinctively.

The Pisceans are soft natured and it is unlikely for them to hurt someone else's feelings. So even whilst they are hurt by someone they seldom vent their feelings openly and even if they do it is really subtle for others to even understand. They are usually very patient and accommodating and it takes a lot of effort for someone to really try and test their patience and if that happens, which is very rare then be prepared to witness a lot of intense drama mixed together with destructions. Make sure you are heavily guarded to protect yourself. However, it doesn't take much time for them to calm down and return to their sweet gentle self. They are excellent listeners and you can talk to them about almost anything and you can be rest assured that they are never going to judge you. They are very understanding and empathetic towards everyone and they expect the same treatment in return but if their feelings go unnoticed, it can really hurt the emotional fish and they can brood for hours in seclusion.

The Pisceans are very amiable and they can bring the house down effortlessly, with their excellent sense of humour. They are most sought after by the opposite sex because of their cheerful nature. Some of the Pisceans can be very playful in nature and they have a nonchalant approach towards life. However, deep down all Pisceans are aware of what is right and what is wrong for them and eventually all of them emerge and swim on the top in search of a brighter world. Just that they face issues trying to contemplate whether to swim deep down under or to swim high above. This character is mainly what the symbol of the Pisces signifies. Two fish swimming in opposite direction.

Pisces zodiac sign people are born humanitarians and if a certain cause clicks them, they just plunge into it whole heartedly. They can over work and over exert themselves trying to fight for this cause but they will never complain. The Pisceans are generous and loving and they can go to any extent to please their loved ones. They are born romantics and it is always fun to be around such a warm and thoughtful person. The Pisceans will never cease complimenting and appreciating their loved ones and they are usually genuine with their compliments and remarks. Although they appreciate beauty and are attracted to pretty face but if that pretty face has nothing inside their head, it can be tad disappointing for the Pisceans and this can really turn them off. Pisceans are attracted to wisdom and they are the conventional 'beauty with brain' seekers.

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