Andaman Nicobar Monuments - Famous Historical Places, Forts & Palaces

List of names of Famous Historical Forts / Palaces / Places of Andaman Nicobar

Here you can find list of names and information on historical forts / palaces/ places / monuments in Andaman Nicobar, India. These famous monuments of Andaman Nicobar state are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find images of Andaman Nicobar monuments / places / forts / palaces.

Situated at the andaman and nicobar islands the cellular jail (Alafastan Jail) better known as "kala pani" (Black water) was basically prison for the freedom fighters of India during the colonial rule. The monument reveals the brutal torture faced by the imprisoned freedom fighter. Many of the freedom fighters were hanged till death, the remaining were sent to the cellular jail. Batukeshwar Dutt, Veer Savarker were amongst the imprisoned. Presently it is the national memorial monument highly esteemed by the Indians.

One of the oldest saw mills of Asia also large in size it is the main source of wood that is supplied all over and the mill cuts logs of every shapes n sizes it is 100 meter far from Port Blair and is connected by a bridge. Apart from the mill it bears a forest museum that displays various valuable goods used during the British Raj. In the year 1789 Lt. Archibald Blair arrived here in his vessel viper which crashed in this island hence the island is named as Viper Island.