Republic Day Festival

Detailed Information about Republic Day Festival & Its Importance

For the Indians Republic day means the birthday of India. It is during this special day that India came into existence because it is the day that constitution of India came into force which means India started standing on its own feet. The word for the people by the people came into live that the reason why January 26 is commemorated in the more grandly then independence day.

The day of the 26 January you will find flags waving everywhere, people eagerly long for this day where thousands of Indians go to red fort and salute the flag of motherland. This day is also one of the important days of the country and is one of the three important national holidays of India.

India got freedom and independence from British rule on 15 August 1947 it was a great day for India her struggle for freedom was granted but the brave leaders and front minded teachers did not stop working rather with their succeed added courage and strength to fight for their own constitution to exist and it is because of their non-stop struggle and sweat that we the India are now enjoying and so during this day of republic day there are numerous special programs are conducted also for these brave shoulders and leaders.

The Republic day parade is one of the main programs on this auspicious day. All the four forces that plays the main role in protecting and guarding the country like the air force, the land force and water force that is the Indian navies and armies come with full dressed uniform to pay homage and salute to all the great leaders and freedom fighters caring with them the beautiful and the most colourful tricolour flag of India that makes the day a special and memorable day for India. So this day is one of the most important days that should be remembered and kept sacred and holy every year.

Nowadays besides the Indian seeing the unity, joy and beauty of this day's celebration hundred and thousands are tempted to visit India in January just to attend this special ceremony. You will even find many of the outsiders too come almost every year and India has become the soft corner for many foreign countries for its beauty of culture, unity in diversity and sincerity in work. Indian festivals and celebrations are the fan by thousands among them Republic day is also one of the main attractions among tourist and outsiders.

Come and see the beauty and excitement of Indian festivals, learn something and receive something for these do not miss out special occasions like Republic Day of India.