Kartika Purnima Festival

Detailed Information about Kartika Purnima Festival & Its Importance

While most celebrations in India go on for a week or two, there are some exceptions. In this case, it is the entire month in which celebrations are carried out. The month of Kartika for the Hindus is considered to be one of the auspicious months of the year. And this drives them to take extreme measures such as abstaining from all kinds of meat, including fish and egg. This means that they are conforming to some sort of purity for a month or so. This, however, is a practice that is popular among the more religious kind among the Hindus and not among those that are not so religious. It is somewhat similar to the Christian period of lent. This is a time of the year that requires much discipline and not everyone can be quite so committed. Some of the rules include early morning baths for each day of the month, and then visiting the temples and song and worship for hours together. Also, the food consumed should be plain and simple.

Although the entire month is of much religious significance, the last five days of this month are considered the most holy and therefore even the non religious ones are made to participate in all of the rituals. In a way, this is a festival that brings the family and the community together, at large. The last five days are traditionally known as Panchaka. Women play a big role in this festival. On the last five days of the Kartika Purnima. They draw beautiful flowers as rangolis and place it at the front of their houses. Many people also observe complete fasts whenever they can although it is not mandatory. One of the important gods who is worshipped on this day is Lord Shiva who is one of the three major Gods in Hindu scripture. Fasting is one of the most common practices on this day. And while the rules are stringent, most people only fast on the last five days of the month whereas some people fast for the entire month. As is customary with any Indian festival, song and dance is a must and so on this day too, many bhajans are sung and people enjoy the fun, frolic and merriment. One of the most commonly used music instruments during this time of year is the cymbal.

One of the most important rituals on this day is to take a holy bath. Also known as Kartika snaan, people who get to take this bath especially in the Ganges are considered to be the luckiest and most blessed because the Ganges is supposed to be the holy river for the Hindus. People often make pilgrimage trips to Varanasi on this day. It is considered to bring many blessings and prosperity for people. It is most important for people to take a bath when the sun rises and when the moon rises as well because that is considered the purest times of the day. Violent acts such as even cutting of hair and cutting of trees is abstained on this day.