Capricorn Man Compatibility with Other Signs

Know Capricorn Man Love Relationship Traits with Other Zodiac Signs

Find astrology detail for Capricorn Man relationship traits with other zodiac signs for love, dating and marriage. So explore more for Capricorn Man compatibility with other signs explained in this section.

Capricorn Man Compatibility with Aries Woman

Aries is a fire sign whereas the Capricorn is an earth sign. Their combination can be unusual as well as exceptional. On one hand the Aries is bright, young and enthusiastic, always full of life and on the other hand the Capricorn is more serious, practical and earthy person. The Aries is very impulsive and impatient, who wants to do a lot of things in a very short span of time.

Capricorn Man Relationship with Taurus Woman

A lot of physical and spiritual aspects are common in these two types of sun signs and therefore since the philosophical side of these two signs are very similar there is a great level of compatibility seen here. Besides, other things that are great about them is that both the parties over here have a great sense of reality.

Capricorn Man Compatibility with Gemini Woman

These two may be the most contradicting sun signs of the zodiac however it is these vey differences that at times keeps a relationship from falling apart. The Capricorn is a realist and practical person who is reluctant to get into a relationship unless sure that it would go a long way while the Gemini is a distant person who takes up most things on the spur of the moment including relationships.

Capricorn Man Relationship with Cancer Woman

The Capricorn man and the Cancer woman have a lot more of dissimilarities with each other than similarities, but it is these differences that keep them hooked to each other. It is the perfect case of opposite attract. One is the earth sign and other a water sign, hence when they combine they make something so fertile that might be a great place for many things to grow and develop, just like a well-drained field.

Capricorn Man Compatibility with Leo Woman

Leo and Capricorn have a strong attraction towards each other inspite of having communications differences between them. They have some kind of a charm which clicks between the two and makes them a good couple. On one hand the Leo is very expressive when it comes to love while on the other hand the Capricorn is more practical and realistic.

Capricorn Man Relationship with Virgo Woman

This is a pair where there is a level of maturity and understanding. The two signs are both individually strong but they possess great respect for one another and also rely on one another a great deal. This kinds of builds and make their bond stronger since they rely on another just as needed not over burden their partners with too much to handle. Both Virgo Woman and Capricorn woman knows just exactly how to run their relationship smoothly.

Capricorn Man Compatibility with Libra Woman

Libra woman and Capricorn man might not be able to have the smoothest relations with each other but they will give in their best to ensure that they make the best of their relationship together. Both of them have high regards for relationships and are committed and loyal. There is mutual respect and admiration between each other. They are always willing to make adjustments or compromises for the greater good.

Capricorn Man Relationship with Scorpio Woman

Scorpio and Capricorn make a very easy and interesting couple. There is a lot of understand and passion between the two of them. Both are committed and serious about relationships, friendly and cordial, responsible and passionate about love and their loved ones. When it comes to intimacy, the Capricorn is both sceptical of it but at the same time yearns for it as well.

Capricorn Man Compatibility with Sagittarius Woman

Sagittarius and Capricorn can make an interesting couple with wide differences in their personality but bonded by a common trait of loyalty and faithfulness. When they decide to come together they leave behind all their differences and pour in all they have to make it work. Their combination is a little difficult but nothing impossible before their strong will and sense of commitment.

Capricorn Man Relationship with Capricorn Woman

Coming from the same zodiac sign, the Capricorn man and Capricorn woman find a lot of common ground to hang on to the make their relationship strong and interesting. There is always an added advantage to couple belonging to the same zodiac sign. However it has its own ill effects as well. They have similar goals and similar needs in love which provides them with a healthy and solid foundation on which they build a strong relationship.

Capricorn Man Compatibility with Aquarius Woman

Capricorn and Aquarius are quite different in their personality and they make quite an uncommon combination. One is the earth sign (Capricorn) and other the (Aquarius) sign. Their habits, attitude, nature are all different. On one hand the Capricorn is very mature, serious, stable and responsible person. He takes life and his responsibilities seriously. He is a no nonsense guy who believes in hard work and its rewards.

Capricorn Man Relationship with Pisces Woman

There exists a very strong attraction between the Capricorn and Pisces. The Capricorn man and Pisces woman make a very interesting couple. Both of them are lovely, warm, and affectionate and have strong belief in relationships. There are numerous things that keep them attracted to each other. The Capricorn has a strong aura of strength and conviction which the Pisces admires and adores.

This is general love horoscope matching reading based on zodiac sign. For personalized love compatibility reading you can order our Vedic Horoscope Matching Report.


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