Aries Man Cancer Woman Love Compatibility Friendship & Marriage

Detail of Aries Man Cancer Woman Love Relationship for Marriage, Friendship, Romance, Dating

The Aries man and Cancer woman make a thrilling pair as they are fire and water sign. The enthusiastic and energetic Aries when falls in love with a sensitive cancer, the relationships can be different in many ways. The combination of fire and water brings both warmth and gentleness to the relationship. At times when the energy of both fire and water combine it gives rise to high tides and at times they completely gel with each other and make a lovely relationship. Hence it would be an unusual relationship with the regular highs and lows.

An Aries man can be in total control of his relationships, providing everything to his woman, from security to protection and love. He is independent and does not like being controlled or directed. He is enthusiastic and has an overflowing energy which makes his life fully active. He hates monotony in life and is always looking for constant source of stimulation. Love is one such experience for him. For the Cancer woman the Aries man can be a constant source of stimulating companion who provides her excellent and exciting ideas and is always appreciating her. A possessive Aries man gives a sense of security to the cancer woman who always craves for security in life. A cancer woman is very tender and tends to get hurt very easily, but she will never give up her loyalty on anyone. A Cancer woman will provide the Aries man with all the love, care and attention that he wants but at times can be too controlling, which the Aries man does not like.

A Cancer woman is very calm, peaceful and patient. She is full of love and care which she showers on everyone without any hesitation. She is very imaginative and intelligent and can easily manage her home and profession very well. When an Aries man falls in love with a Cancer woman, he experiences heaven on earth. She will fulfil all his demands and will take care of all his needs. She is very reliable and dependent and he can always fall back on her whenever he needs some support in life. But her care and possessive attitude can go beyond limits which the Aries man will find very limiting and controlling, something which he really dislikes.

The Aries man can keep his Cancer woman happy by adjusting to her mood swings and showering her with lots of love and attention and the Cancer woman needs to learn to give him his space and not be too pushy with him. The Aries man will give in his 100% to his relationship only if he is assured that he is the dominating partner in the relationship and the Cancer woman will have no problems submitting to her man and letting him take the charge. Once they understand each other's need they will make a very understanding and caring couple. Their similar and opposite qualities perfectly match each other, making them a good couple.

Famous Aries Man and Cancer Woman Celebrity Couples

1- Nathan Sykes (Aries, 18 April 1993) and Ariana Grande (Cancer, 26 June 1993)
2- Ewan McGregor (Aries, 31 March 1971) and Eve Mavrakis (Cancer, 22 June 1966)
3- Warren Beatty (Aries, 30 March 1937) and Carly Simon (Cancer, 25 June 1945)

Suggestions for Relationship Attraction or Problems / Break Up

In a relation between the Aries men and Cancer women, Aries men need to continually remind themselves to be very slow and sensitive, while dealing with the emotional Cancer. In order for the relation to work, both the signs have to but in a lot of hard work, there needs to be a lot of communication and understanding between the two. The Cancer woman needs to learn and accept the free spirited nature of the Arians and he needs to understand her insecurities and her need to be cared. In the long run for the relation to last, there needs to be a great amount of effort from both, there needs to be understanding and devotion coming from both to satisfy each other's need, hopes and desires.

Aries Man Cancer Woman Compatibility Conclusions - Soulmates or Problems

Conclusions - Soulmates or Problems: The pairing between the Aries and Cancer can be a wonderful one, if they learn to respect and understand each other's complex personalities. They have the potential to do great in terms of their career and building an amazing life when they join forces and put away their differences in order to build a loving, lasting relation.

Other Aries with Cancer Love Compatibility Detail

Aries Woman with Cancer Man Love Compatibility
Aries Woman Love Compatibility
Cancer Man Love Compatibility
Aries with Cancer Love Compatibility
Aries Love Compatibility
Cancer Love Compatibility

This is general Aries Man and Cancer Woman attraction & experience reading based on zodiac sign. For personalized love compatibility reading you can order our Vedic Horoscope Matching Report.


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