Aries Cancer Compatibility: Love Relationship, Friendship & Marriage

Know Aries Cancer Zodiac Compatibility Love Match for Marriage, Friendship

You can find this relationship between Aries and Cancer & love compatibility horoscope detail useful for the type of relationships like friendship, dating, marriage and business.

An Aries is more of an individual sign, who lives independently of anyone's influence and desires less control in life, whereas the Cancer is more of a people's person, always wanting to be surrounded by the family and loves ones, with the comfortable four walls of their house. The Aries may not be much devoted to family or relationships whereas for the Cancer their whole world and life means their family. Aries wants to be independent and live their life on their own terms and conditions, whereas the Cancer needs someone to hang around all the time. Inspite of this both of them will have lot of commonality between them to enjoy the bonding together. They can help each other in many ways to make their companionship more fruitful and meaningful. While on one hand the Aries can teach the Cancer to become independent and carefree, the Cancer can show him the virtues of love. To ensure that they do not hurt each other, the Aries will have to be more careful of what they say to Cancer as they are very sensitive and can get easily hurt while the Cancer needs to be less pushy and should not intrude much in the personal space of the Aries.

A Cancer is very protective about the people in their life. They mean the world to them and will do anything to keep them safe and happy. So the Aries ends up getting a lot of love, care and attention from the Cancer. But the same thing might also appearing as smothering and trapping for the free spirited Aries individual who does not want much control in life. The Cancer prefers a strong bond and long term commitment from all their relationships while the Aires prefers a no strings attached relationship where they should have the freedom to walk out any time they want if they start finding it less exciting. Both of them are stubborn and determined and when they reach a deadlock it becomes difficult for them to reach an agreement. However since the cancer is softer among the two, they will compromise most of the time, if they see that this is where the happiness of their loved ones lie.

They can be good as parents, as friends, as business partners and also as lovers. They can make use of their differences in a constructive way to fill the gaps in their individual personality. One's fun seeking attitude and other's possessiveness can be combined together to have a healthy controlled fun that does not end up in disaster. Whenever the Aries is careless, the Cancer can step in to control any damage caused by them and when the Cancer becomes too sad and serious the Aries steps in to lighten the mood and help them forget the tension. A little bit of compromise here and there and respect for each other's compatibility can go a great extent in making their companionship fun and fulfilling. They can keep aside their differences aside and come together to derive the best out of their companionship.

Famous Aries and Cancer Celebrity Couples

1- Lady Gaga (Aries, 28 March 1986) and Taylor Kinney (Cancer, 15 July 1981)
2- Betty Ford (Aries, 8 April 1918) and Gerald Ford (Cancer, 14 July 1913)
3- Jennifer Garner (Aries, 17 April 1972) and Scott Foley (Cancer, 15 July 1972)
4- Claire Danes (Aries, 12 April 1979) and Billy Crudup (Cancer, 8 July 1968)
5- Marsha Mason (Aries, 3 April 1942) and Neil Simon (Cancer, 4 July 1927)
6- Nathan Sykes (Aries, 18 April 1993) and Ariana Grande (Cancer, 26 June 1993)
7- Warren Beatty (Aries, 30 March 1937) and Carly Simon (Cancer, 25 June 1945)
8- Ewan McGregor (Aries, 31 March 1971) and Eve Mavrakis (Cancer, 22 June 1966)

Aries and Cancer Compatibility for Man Woman Relationship Astrology

Aries Man and Cancer Woman Love Compatibility
Aries Woman and Cancer Man Love Compatibility

This is general Aries and Cancer compatibility attraction & experience reading based on zodiac sign. For personalized love compatibility reading you can order our Vedic Horoscope Matching Report.


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