Swarg Ashram

Swarg Ashram Rishikesh Uttarakhand

Swarg Ashram is located in a holy spot between Laxman Jhula and Ram Jhula, at number 1, in Ganga Lane, in the district of Rishikesh, in the state of Uttarakhand, in Northern India. This ashram has two main buildings named as Akash Ganga and Dani Kothi. The building named Akash Ganga is a specious guesthouse with a yoga hall and a canteen. On the other hand, Dani Kothi is a building related with an administrative block with a dining hall cum lecture hall. According to the local legends and residents of Rishikesh.

Swargashram is the oldest ashram. It was established in a successful manner before the setting up of Shivananda ashram, Parmarth, Yog Niketan and others. It is actually from this yoga ashram from where the whole Hrishikesh started successfully to a great extend.

Swarg Ashram comes with infrastructure such as Shared double rooms, double rooms, single room, hygienic Kitchen, spacious Dining hall, calm and quiet Yoga hall, peaceful Meditation hall, beautiful Garden, Private shower, Shared toilet and Private toilet. The free services provided for the inmates, students and guest are Free Wi-Fi, Free beverages, Laundry and Free water dispenser.

Courses at Swarg Ashram

1. 2 Week Yoga Immersion

This 2 week intensive program has been designed specifically for those students and participants who wish to largely experience in the heart of spirituality, the authentic Himalayan Yogic traditions in Swarg Ashram that is located in Rishikesh. In this particular two week program, this ashram offer the students the perfect ability in order to enhance their asana practice through one of the most respected teachers in Rishikesh and ashram's very special Structural Alignment program. Each and everyday Asana, Shatkarma, Pranayama and meditation classes are conducted as per the given time table and day's schedule.The program is well designed in such a manner in order to balance the aspects of learning for all the interested students the new techniques in the several fields of yoga plus giving enough time periods for students in order to find relaxation and peace in the holy and natural setting that is aptly surrounding the ashram.

The 2 week intensive program consists of 40 hours of super-intensive training, dealing the following aspects which are well planned and are done with giving importance to every individual:

  • Traditional hatha yoga (Nath yoga)

  • General muscle strengthening

  • Body posture correction

  • Working out deep and superficial muscles (balancing, strengthening, increase in flexibility)

  • Correction of the musculoskeletal system

  • Working on joints and ligaments such as therapy and prevention of disease, mobility normalization, posture correction and functional unit strengthening.

  • Traditional purification practice of Hatha yoga (Shatkarmas)

  • Use of appropriate props such as belts, chairs, bolsters, ropes and blocks.

Daily Schedules

  • Morning practice (asana, shatkarma, pranayama) is conducted between 7:00-9:00 am

  • Breakfast is served at 9:30-10:30am

  • Lunch is served at 13:30-14:30pm

  • Evening practice (asana) is conducted at 17:00-18:30pm

  • Dinner is served at 19:00-20:00pm

2. Yoga Teacher Training Course (RYT 200 Yoga Alliance Certificate)

The program of yoga teacher training & certification course is a full 5-week course. In this course there are 13 subjects that are taught in 6 days a week by 11 teachers. The course will be conducted at this ashram premises. The main of this particular course is to perfectly develop the solid skills and talents of teaching yoga. This course gives the students better base for theoretical and experiential background in a variety of systems, methods, techniques, etc.

Event Program:

The program of yoga teacher training & certification course over 200-hours yoga teacher training course that consists of:

  • Theoretical sessions,

  • Daily practice classes (asana, pranayam, bandha, mudra, meditation practice).

  • Asana alignment,

  • Teaching theory and practice,

  • Meditation practice,

  • Sharkarma classes,

  • Pranayam classes,

  • Vocal practice,

Under Theoretical sessions, the topics dealt are History and Philosophy of Hatha Yoga, Roots of yoga, Meaning of the word "Yoga", history and philosophy of yoga, Raja Yoga, Tantra, Hatha yoga and Modern development of hatha yoga.

Under Anatomy and physiology of human body, the topics covered are Application of anatomical knowledge to yoga practice, skeletal system. Bones and joints, Muscular system, Cardiovascular system, Nervous system, Respiratory system, Digestive system, Endocrine system and Injury avoidance.

Under Yogic anatomy, the topics dealt are Subtle energies in yoga, the topics covered are Science of ayurveda, Basics of ayurveda, Vatta, pitta, kapha body types, managing doshas of one's body, Daily routine, seasonal routine, pulse diagnostics, Diet regime and Panchakarma.

Under Teaching yoga, the topics covered are Know your student, Deepening understanding of yoga, Voice and language, Basic elements of asana practice, Instructing asanas, General principles of giving cues and adjustments, Creating space for self-trasnformation, Sequencing and planning classes, Specialized teaching for newbies, depression, pregnancy, alternative settings, Teaching yoga to students with injuries, Ethics for yoga teachers and Setting up a successful yoga business.

Under Teaching Practice, the topics dealt are working with partner - standing pose observation, Asana laboratory, teaching in class situations and conducting a full class to a group.

Under Alignment Classes, the topics covered are 44 basic asanas in detail with all necessary information, methods of performing it and its benefits are explained. The list of asanas includes Urdva Mukha Shvanasana, Adho Mukha Shvanasana, Utkatasana, Virabhadrasana I & Astha Chandrasana, Virabhadrasana II, Tadasana, Urdva Hastasana, Vasisthasana, Parasarita Padottanasana, Garudasana, Parivrita Trikonasana, Parivrita Parshvakonasana, Parsvottanasana, Vrkasana, Adrha Chandrasana, Phalakasana, Chaturanga Dandasana, Utthita Trikonasana, Adho Mukha Vrkasana in variations, Uttanasana & Ardho Uttanasana, Anjanyasana (Sanchalasana), Jathara Parivartanasana and leg raise, Paripurna Navasana and Ardha Navasana, Bakasana, Ustrasana, Salabhasana (variations), Bhujangasana, Supta Virasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Dhanurasana, Natarajasana, Matsyasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Parivrita Janu Sirsasana, Dandasana, Gomukhasana, Paschimottanasana, Janu Sirsasana, Baddha Konasana, Virasana, Viparita Karani, Halasana and Salamba Sarvangasana.

The Shatkarma Classes is conducted for 30 minutes daily. The techniques of Shatkarama will be covered mainly like jala neti, trataka, kapalabhati, sutra neti, dhauti and nauli. The method of whole body cleansing or shank prakshalana will be taught in a special 2 hours class that is only dedicated to this particular practice.

The Pranayam Classes will be conducted with practical classes. Nearly 3 hours will be dedicated to this particular class. The breathing technique such as full yogic breathing, surya bheda, sitkari, sitali, ujjayi, chandra bheda, kapalabhati, abdominal breathing, anulom vilom, brahmari, bhastrika and diaphragmatic breathing will be taught.

The Meditation Classes will be conducted for 30 minutes daily plus a session is devoted to meditation practices exclusively. WThings that will be dealt is concentration and meditation techniques such as yoga nidra, sound meditation, light meditation (tratak), mantra meditation, laughing meditation, tantric meditation, anupana, zazen meditation and vipassana.

The Vocal Classes will teach all the basic skills of controlling speech plus language that is necessary for a yoga teacher. It will also perfectly expand a person's voice range with special techniques related to vocal. This class also includes mantra and chanting classes.

Daily Practice Classes will have 3 hours dedicated for it in the morning hours and nearly 2 hours dedicated in the evening hours. These classes will deal with practice of static and dynamic regimes will learn vinyasas, maha bandha, basic warm-up and joint loosening/strengthening sequences like pavana muktasana, surya namaskar, sukshma vyayama and chandra namaskar.

Extracurricular Activities at Swarg Ashram

  • Trekking around Rishikesh

  • White-water rafting on Ganga

  • Indian Classical Music nights

  • Pooja ceremonies

  • Ganga Aarti ceremonies

The cost of this particular the program of yoga teacher training & certification course is $ 1500, it includes the cost of Shared accommodation, Three healthy vegetarian meals (spring yogic vegetarian) a day (7 days a week) and All classes.