Shanti Mandir Ashram

Shanti Mandir Ashram Magod Valsad Gujarat

Shanti Mandir Ashram is located in a remote village named Magod, in Mahafalia, in Atul, in the district of Valsad, in the state of Gujarat, in Western India. It is a perfect place of refuge that is much away from the urban life and its related aspects. At this ashram, the way of life is led in a yogic discipline and spiritual manner pursued with a lot of perfection. At this particular ashram, most of the integral part of the spiritual tradition followed in the ancient India is strictly followed to a great extent. This allows even the normal visitor to experience and feel the sense of wisdom and peace. The daily activities that are performed regularly at this ashram include chanting, sacred rituals and meditation at early morning sunrise, mid-noon, and nearing sunset. Most of the schedule also includes helpful in maintaining the ashram; karma yoga (selfless service), scriptural study, physical exercise; hatha yoga and personal tasks. It is to be noted that the perfect balance of different types of activities is rightly intended to largely promote rejuvenation and contemplation of body, spirit and mind. This ashram wholeheartedly welcomes public for a short or long stay plus indulges in its courses offered at a reasonable and affordable fees structure that includes food and stay arrangement.

Courses at Shanti Mandir Ashram

1. Complete yoga studies level 1

This course gives you the immense chance to understands and be aware of the transformational various benefits of the yogic path. It helps you to feel the deep traditions and its related practices in order to find their direct and indirect living application plus relevance. It is to be noted that it largely develop understanding at a deeper stage of the subtleties of the given body, its breath aspects, mind plus consciousness. Regular exercises allow all the participants in order to move into experience of yoga in action particularly.

The curriculum includes:

  • Daily Hatha Yoga practice

  • Yoga philosophy and psychology

  • The studies of Ayurveda

  • Methods of self inquiry and reflection

  • The art of meditation, mantra, pranayama,

  • Explore deep relaxation

  • Physical and subtle anatomy

  • Life transforming practice

2. Complete Yoga studies Level 2

This deepens and expands the Complete Yoga studies Level 1. It aims to integrate more refined contemplations plus regular practices. It teaches the foundational texts related to yoga tradition.

The course curriculum deals with:

  • Hatha Yoga practice and meditation

  • Hatha yoga's practical, experiential and contemplative

  • The means for fulfilling human potential

  • The nature of existence

  • The domains of consciousness

3. Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Level 1 (200 hrs)

With post intensive practicum, this particular course is really rich intensive immersion training that runs for a period of 4 weeks. The additional features of this course are access to ongoing mentorship, online training, practice and teaching skills develop and personal work. This course actually forms the base for seating training teachers in yoga and its full spectrum, practice and better understanding.

The curriculum includes:

  • Detailed examination of Hatha yoga postures, its benefits and direct and indirect effects on the physical plus subtle bodies.

  • Guidance in instructing asana, deep relaxation, physiology, pranayama, anatomy and foundational meditation practice plus other areas of training

4. Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Level 2 (300hrs)

This course expends and deepens the advanced knowledge and awareness of Yoga and its related practices with a lot of perfection. It lead to move ahead for the 500 hour certification standard which the next level of this particular course. This course also leads to the professional development for training teachers completing. This program comes with additional online training, practicum, assignments and access to ongoing mentorship.

The course curriculum includes:

  • Advancement of personal practice

  • Study of the subtler aspects of asana and pranayama,

  • Enhancement of physical and energetic wellbeing

  • Guide yoga as a therapeutic methodology

5. Complete Yoga Studies Course

This is a full time residential course in yoga that teaches all the aspects of Yoga and its related practical and theory aspects with a lot of perfection. This one particular course it enough to become an independent yoga teacher after successfully completing this course.

This course teach you all the basic plus advanced yoga postures such as Navasana or Boat Pose posture, Pashchimottaanaasana or Full Forward Bend posture, Balasana or Child Pose posture, Halaasana or Plough posture, Jathaparivrittasana or Reclining Stomach Twist posture, Matsyaasana or Fish posture, Marjarasana or Cat and cow stretch posture, Rajakapotasana or King Pigeon Pose posture, TrikoNaasana or Triangle posture, Suryanamaskaara or Sun Salutation posture, Ardhamatsyendraasana or Spinal Twist posture, Bhuja~Ngaasana or Cobra posture, Dhanuraasana or Bow posture, Chaturaa~NgadanDaasana or Four-limbed staff posture, Prasaritapadottana or Standing Straddled Forward Bend posture, Sarvaa~Ngaasana or Shoulder Stand posture, Virabhadraasana 2 or Warrior 2 posture, Shavaasana or Corpse posture, Virabhadraasana or Warrior 1 posture, Vrikshasana or Tree Pose posture, Yogamudraa or Yoga Seal posture, Paarshvottanasana or Intense Side Stretch posture, Setubandhasana or Bridge Pose posture, Viparitakarani or Legs up the Wall Pose posture and Vajrasana or Thunderbolt (Diamond) Pose posture. Pavanamuktaasana or Supine knees to chest pose posture, Urdhvamukhashvanasana or Upward Facing Dog Pose postureUtkatasana or Chair Pose posture, Ushtrasna or Camel Pose posture, Utthitaparshvakonasana or Side Angle Pose posture, Gomukhasana or Cow face posture, JaanushirShaasana or Head-to-knee posture and Shalabhaasana or Locust posture.

The course curriculum includes:

Under the topic of Origins of the Yogic Traditions, it deals with Foundational Principles of Yoga, Vedanta; an introduction, the essential knowledge and practices that largely make yoga work, Shad Darshanas, Founding Traditions: Samkhya and Patanjali Classical Yoga, yoga's evolution to contemporary practices, Branches of Yoga and Foundational Meditation: its principles and practice

Under How Yoga Works, its seven stages, application to yoga practice, Anatomy and Physiology, Asana its theory and practice, modifications and restorative methods, Foundational Pranayama: principles and practices plus finding Structural Alignment: releasing postural habits.

Other topics are Shanti Darshanam, Class Design, Structure and Style, Training Components, Ethics of Teaching and Designing a Personal Practice.

Facilities in Shanti Mandir Ashram

The residential block within the ashram largely accommodate the inmates, students, visitors and guest who come to the ashram for short or long stay plus indulging in various courses and training offered at this ashram. The rooms come in the form of single rooms, double rooms, shared rooms and dormitory. These rooms have attached shower and toilet. Each and every floor has a common toilet and sit out. The rooms are well arranged with basic furniture and furnishing.

The Library located within the ashram premises has a large reading hall that is stocked with many books of varied subject and topics. It is a calm and quiet place that gives an opportunity to browse through the readily available books.

The Ashram's kitchen is really much spacious with modern kitchen equipments. Sattivc food is prepared in a hygienic environment and served hot at the dinning attached to this room. The dinning hall can accommodate nearly 500 people at a time. The food served is tasty and delicious vegetarian food items that are prepared and cooked with extra care. The arhram provides three meals with tea in the break hours. The token system is followed in the dinning hall to manage the crowd during the peak hours of meal time.