Maharashtra Yoga Ashrams & Meditation Centers

List of Yoga Ashrams & Meditation Centers in Maharashtra with Detail

Here in this section you will find list of famous Yoga Ashrams & Meditation Centers in Maharashtra with their detail.

Kerala Ayurvedashram is located on Waman Rao Sawant Road, in Dahisar (East), in the capital city of Mumbai, in the state of Maharastra, in Western India. This ashram with good medical facilities is the most sought after and most frequented place by local people and patients from within the state and rest of India. The ashram utilizes Kerala Ayurveda for treating the patients plus good result is obtained within a short span of time period.

The Prempuri Adhyatma Ashram is located in Prempuri Adhyatma Vidya Bhavan, in Swami Prempuri Chowk, on Babulnath Road, in the capital city of Mumbai, in the state of Maharashtra, in Western India. This ashram is managed by Swami Shri Prempuriji Ashram Trust. It was established in 1975. It is to be highly noted that the growth and development of this ashram over the years bears the best testimony to its strength and power of a sacred spiritual resolve made in a successful manner by an enlightened soul.