Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra

Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra Jodhpur Rajasthan

Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra Ashrams is located near Leriya Resort, in Choupasani, in the district of Jodhpur, in the state of Rajasthan, in Northwestern India. At this ashram, Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga is taught with a lot of perfection. It is an easy-to-do meditation. It is also a chanting based yoga to a great extent. Siddha Yoga is strongly believed to take interested and enthusiastic practitioners to the pinnacle of evolution plus bring ultimately regarding the Divine Transformation of all mankind. In this particular process the practitioner is totally freed from all types of mental afflictions, physical diseases, stress and any type of addiction. This yoga is free of charge always for the practitioners.

At this ashram, the asanas that are taught for beginners, intermediate and advanced participants are Paarshvottanasana or Intense Side Stretch posture, Sarvaa~Ngaasana or Shoulder Stand posture, Chaturaa~NgadanDaasana or Four-limbed staff posture, Prasaritapadottana or Standing Straddled Forward Bend posture, Yogamudraa or Yoga Seal posture, Navasana or Boat Pose posture, Pashchimottaanaasana or Full Forward Bend posture, Pavanamuktaasana or Supine knees to chest pose posture, Urdhvamukhashvanasana or Upward Facing Dog Pose posture, Viparitakarani or Legs up the Wall Pose posture, Marjarasana or Cat and cow stretch posture, Rajakapotasana or King Pigeon Pose posture, Balasana or Child Pose posture, Halaasana or Plough posture, Jathaparivrittasana or Reclining Stomach Twist posture, Matsyaasana or Fish posture, Utkatasana or Chair Pose posture, TrikoNaasana or Triangle posture, Vajrasana or Thunderbolt (Diamond) Pose posture, Suryanamaskaara or Sun Salutation posture, Ardhamatsyendraasana or Spinal Twist posture, Bhuja~Ngaasana or Cobra posture, Virabhadraasana 2 or Warrior 2 posture, Shavaasana or Corpse posture, Gomukhasana or Cow face posture, JaanushirShaasana or Head-to-knee posture and Shalabhaasana or Locust posture, Dhanuraasana or Bow posture, Virabhadraasana or Warrior 1 posture, Vrikshasana or Tree Pose posture, Ushtrasna or Camel Pose posture, Utthitaparshvakonasana or Side Angle Pose posture and Setubandhasana or Bridge Pose posture. The instructor of asanas gives importance to each and every asana in the morning and evening sessions of practice hours. He or she makes the participant understand the benefits of each and every asana plus how to indulge in it with a lot of perfection.

General Benefits of GSSY at Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra

  • The direct and indirect impact of GSSY is totally based on the practitioner's dedication and sincerity toward the given practice. The faster the major and minor disease is fully cured when the sincerity of practice is done with lot of perfection.

  • It helps to free or cure the body any type of physical illness such as genetic diseases like hemophilia, asthma, AIDS, arthritis, diabetes and various forms of cancer.

  • It largely relieves stress caused by family problems, work, education etc.

  • It helps to cure of Physical Diseases of any kind to a great extent.

  • It perfectly corrects any kind of mental disharmony brought on by emotional or psychological disorders.

  • Without experiencing any withdrawal symptoms, the enthusiastic practitioner is totally freed from the any type of addiction.

  • It also frees the practitioner from any type of addiction like feelings of power and success, or an unnatural direct or indirect dependency on any substance like food, drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.

  • The GSSY practice awakens the Kundalini.

  • The act of Kundalini as a protective shield of the immune system plus wards off the recurrence and onslaught of any disease

  • The effects of positive sign begin to indicate between 2 to 15 days of regular chanting and meditation.

Freedom from Addiction at Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra

  • Practitioner doesn't have to make any type of hard effort to immediately leave the substance.

  • It destroys the total desire within the individual to directly or indirectly consume a particular given substance.

  • Any withdrawal symptoms, the practitioner doesn't experience.

  • As the individual wasn't forced to immediately leave the substance, so he / she don't relapse into the same habit again in any situations, circumstances and condition.

  • Guru Siyag cites "You don't have to give up the things; the things will give you up."

Freedom from Stress and Psychological Disorders

  • The enthusiastic practitioner witnesses the cause just before the effect plus not disturbed by any type of events.

  • It frees the practitioner from psychological and stress disorders such as OCD, phobia, insomnia, schizophrenia, etc.

  • It totally corrects disharmony of the mind and body.

  • It fully destroys negative energies that cause stress and mental disorders.

  • It gives him / her sudden premonitions regarding various events in life and heightens the practitioner's intuition.

  • It also provides knowledge in order to deal with particular situations, conditions and circumstances.

Other Benefits at Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra

  • It is largely beneficial to student's community as it immediately improves their grasping ability, concentration and retention power.

  • It gives space for experiencing both spiritual and material progress simultaneously.

  • Without changing your lifestyle, the benefits of GSSY can be experienced directly.

  • When a person surrenders to the Kundalini then it starts to guide the person plus brings many positive changes in personal and professional life.

Method of Meditation at Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra

  • Initially in a comfortable position be seated.

  • In order to meditate, you can sit on a chair / couch etc, lie down or sit cross-legged on the floor.

  • Then tightly or gently close your eyes.

  • "Help me meditate for 15 minutes" can be said silently to Guru Siyag.

  • A time-limit according to your level of convenience can be chosen like 5 / 10 /12 / minutes.

  • With closed eyes think of Guru Siyag's attractive image at the place just between your eyebrows

  • Repeat silently of chanting for 15 minutes the mantra given by Guru Siyag while thinking of the image.

  • During the process of meditation, you may directly or indirectly experience movement of your limbs or certain automatic yogic postures like Swaying, rapid movement of head from left-to-right or vice versa, nodding of head, inflating or deflating of belly, grunting, clapping, laughing or moaning can happen in several cases. In this particular situation, circumstance and condition don't panic or worry. These type of actions my happen ordained by divine force or involuntarily, and they are required for your cleansing internally plus making readying you for further different types of progress.

  • You may also see bright lights, experience vibrations, revelations of the past and future events and colors or even have visions. On the spiritual path, these are good indications that you are really progressing well.

  • You can practice it as per your time schedule.

GSSY Can Be Practiced at Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra

GSSY can be practiced by anyone as there is no barrier of any religion, creed, nationality, at anytime that is in the morning, afternoon, evening and night hours as per your convenience, for any duration of time such as 5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes, By any age group such as child, young, middle-aged, old, at anywhere in the office, home, bus or train, For freedom from any stress that are related to business, family, work or existential questions, any anyplace such as on chair, couch, bed, floor, etc. In any position that is cross-legged, sitting on chair or lying down. It can be practiced facing any direction that is east, west, south, north etc. For any disease that can be termed as physical or mental plus freedom from any kind of addiction.